The online solution and product configurator covers the entire ctrlX AUTOMATION portfolio and enables the online configuration of individual components as well as complete automation solutions very simply, quickly and without support.
Starting with entering the requirements profile of the application in the configuration dialog of each product, ctrlX Configurator automatically selects the appropriate product. Also the user can directly search and select known products by its material number or type code. The reduction of the input parameters with initial default values which are essential for the product speeds up the configuration process. Configured products can be added to the shopping cart of Rexroth Store. Finally the complete configuration project can be downloaded as PDF based summary or the product list as CSV file.
ctrlX Configurator How-To´s
Updates for version 1.2411.17
See Release Notes for all changes
ctrlX Configurator - Release Notes version 1.2411.17
ctrlX Configurator
Start new configuration