
ctrlX Configurator - Release Notes version 1.2411.17

Version 1.2411.17 (2025-01-29)

  • Link to product information portal for motor cables
    ID 836205
    A button has been added to the details of the motor cables. This opens the product information portal for the motor cables.

  • Improved Menu Bar Layout for ctrlX I/O Area
    ID 850735
    This enhancement reorganizes buttons in a more intuitive way, significantly enhancing the user experience. By ensuring consistency and visual harmony across both the ctrlX I/O and ctrlX FLOW HS.

  • ctrlX SENSE encoder
    ID 889243
    The encoder ctrlX SENSE is now available in the MS2N servo motor configurator.

  • ctrlX Apps - Update of the links to ctrlX OS Store
    All links for the ctrlX Apps licenses have been updated to the new community. These links can be found via the information i´s of the corresponding licenses in ctrlX Apps or ctrlX CORE configurator.

  • Operating points configuration mode
    ID 981868
    The operating points configuration mode is not longer available in the MS2N Servo motor configurator.

  • Changing the configuration mode led to another motor variant
    ID 928363
    After adding a MS2N07 via the product search and changing the configuration mode, the motor was changed to another variant.

  • Configuration conflict licenses
    ID 956818
    With some licenses there are configuration conflicts shown, that lead to inconsistent configuration.

  • ctrlX Apps license dongle
    ID 962680
    The product description of the license dongle is incorrect, as the license dongle has a memory extension.

  • ctrlX I/O - No EPLAN and CAD Data is delivered
    ID 971004
    Only EPLAN and CAD data for XB-EC-12 is delivered by request.

  • Empty CAD ZIP files
    ID 971045
    When requesting products that have an asterisk in the type code, windows shows the downloaded ZIP files empty. Therefore the asterisk needs to be removed by the cad service.

  • ctrlX Apps - Material numbers and typecode mixed
    ID 971068
    The Typecodes and material numbers for following licenses are mixed: "ctrlX CORE License - Smart HMI - WebIQ Server 7K5 Tags" and "ctrlX CORE License - Smart HMI - WebIQ Server unlimited Tags"

  • Power supply not valid after loading of project
    ID 971844
    When loading a saved project the XVE2/XVR2 is shown invalid due to undefined status of ctrlX OS.

  • Rework rotor interia in product configurator "ctrlX DRIVE MS2S/MS2N Servomotor"
    ID 972202
    Adding motor variants to the graphic view by using the product search led to an incomprehensive behavior caused by the calculated rotor inertia. 

  • Motor variant not selectable in configuration
    ID 972449
    The motor variant "MS2N07-D0BRL-BSBG2-NNNNN-NN" were not selectable in the configuration of the "ctrlX DRIVE MS2S/MS2N Servomotor".

  • No motor cable for MS2M/XCS2-F selected
    ID 976291
    No motor cable was selected when connecting an MS2M and XCS2-F. 

  • ctrlX I/O - Error in price calculation
    ID 976820
    When requesting prices in ctrlX I/O configurator in some situations the price is calculated for the incorrect quantity of modules.

  • Servo motor cannot be configured
    ID 977428
    MS2N06-B1BNN-DMSG1-RNNNN-NN - R911386580 can be configured in the configurator.

  • Undefined characteristics in motor configuration
    ID 977907
    Configuration of electrical connection A/B leads to undefined characteristics.

  • Servo motor cannot be configured
    ID 979059
    MS2E10-E1BFN-DSVG0-RNNAN-NN - R914513323 can be configured in the configurator.

  • Motor cables between a CtrlX DRIVE and MAD are not shown
    ID 979921
    After connecting a MAD130 motor with a ctrlX Drive XCS2-W0070 no cable are selected.

  • ctrlX I/O - Error in price calculation
    ID 980225
    When requesting prices in ctrlX I/O configurator in some situations the price is calculated for the incorrect quantity of modules.

  • License Dongle - No price change within change of amount of additional Axes packages
    ID 982137
    If changing the amount of Additional axes packages in configuration of the license dongle the, calculated price do not change. The price of the license dongle is only correct with a amount of 5 axes packages.

Version 1.2411.17 (2024-12-09)

  • Cable connection between MAD/F to ctrlX DRIVE available
    ID 882992
    MAD/F are now connectable with the ctrlX DRIVE.

  • Mains filter for ctrlX DRIVE
    ID 947807
    All NFD mains filter are replaced with XNF1 filters. 

  • ctrlX DRIVE - XCS2-F Runtime change
    ID 956811
    Due to technical issues the runtime 05 for XCS2-F gets withdrawn. This results in two usable options in the drive configurator - Runtime version 06 and the option "Latest version", which is the suggested selection.

  • ctrlX DRIVE - product search
    ID 931945
    Some servo motor with gearbox material variants are not being added from product search to graphic view.

  • ctrlX DRIVE connections
    ID 952923
    Some ctrlX DRIVE with ctrlX CORE or ctrlX OS cannot be connected by fieldbus communication to other products. 

  • ctrlX DRIVE with ctrlX CORE connections
    ID 957003
    Ethernet/IP and Profinet IO if selected in a ctrlX DRIVE with ctrlX CORE cannot be connected by these protocols.

  • Servo motor product selection
    ID 958169
    Due to a wrong selection criteria for MS2S motors with holding brake, the configurator often shows the MS2N equivalent as the most economic product. This can also cause a product change in the validation of existing projects.

  • Servo motor configuration MS2M
    ID 959512
    Some configuration characteristics are not defined when using product search or type code separation.

Version 1.2411.17 (2024-11-11)


  • ctrlX I/O - New modules
    ID 642156
    New ctrlX I/O modules are added to ctrlX I/O configurator DI2/TS; DO2/OVS; M-BUS; SSI ENC; UP/UL Power Feeder (XI180202, XI290202, XI531001, XI614001, XI813101).

  • New option for MS2E
    ID 742572
    ATEX, IECEx, CCC compliant is now available in the configurator.

  • ctrlX Apps - New licenses and dependencies for Smart HMI - Web IQ implemented
    ID 886078
    The licences "ctrlX CORE License - Smart HMI - WebIQ Server 2K Tags" is integrated in the configurator for ctrlX CORE as well as in the ctrlX Apps configurator. The licences "Universal Target License - Smart HMI - WebIQ Server 2K Tags" is integrated in all configurators which included Universal Target licenses. Prefered configuration for Smart HMI - WebIQ Server licenses was implemented

  • ctrlX Apps - New license for "BCI - Nexeed Control Plus"
    ID 886081
    The licence "ctrlX OS License - BCI - Nexeed Control Plus M" is integrated in the configurator for ctrlX CORE as well as in the ctrlX Apps configurator

  • ctrlX CORE - Update ZKMA variants
    ID 898344
    Two new licenses can now be ordered as a part of ctrlX CORE , "ctrlX OS License - Motion Electronic Gear (add-on)" and "ctrlX OS License - Motion Cam (add-on)"

  • ctrlX Apps - Update model for ctrlX license dongle and new CODESYS - licenses
    ID 898378
    "CODESYS - IO-Link" and “CODESYS - EtherCAT Master” are now available in all ctrlX products with ctrlX CORE.The model of the ctrlX licence dongle is updated to the current version

  • ctrlX CORE - Enhancement of technical data based configurator
    ID 904323
    Information text has been improved with more detailed information

  • IndraControl XM - Show S20 tab in configuration
    ID 910031
    The configuration tab for IndraControl S20 modules now be shown the hole time in IndraControl XM configurator

  • Extension of characteristics in ctrlX DRIVE configuration
    ID 923190
    Runtime version 06, communication protocols EtherNet/IP + TCP/IP, ctrlX OS (not in DC/DC Converter) and functional safety options STO fieldbus + SafeMotion Speed/Position I/Os & fieldbus (Converters and Inverters) added.

  • IndraControl XM - Additional firmware options
    ID 900745
    Two new firmware options are added to IndraControl XM configurator - R911396025 - FWS-MTX-VCP3A****-NNVRS-NN-NNN and R911396026 - FWS-MTX-VCP3A>***-NNVRS-NN-NNN.

  • ctrlX FLOW HS product in the ctrlX Configurator Platform
    ID 694198
    In this new version, the FLOW HS product is now available on the ctrlX Configurator Platform, offering users a dedicated canvas for FLOW HS projects. Users can browse the FLOW HS product list, add and remove segments into the 3D canvas to configure their projects. With the Fast Start feature, users can quickly set up a base project. This version allows users to visualize and manipulate their projects from different angles using the 3D toolbar. Both summary details and component details information about each segment of the FLOW HS project are accessible, ensuring a thorough understanding of the product. The FLOW HS Platform features a central notification system that assists users in configuring their projects, providing warnings and information to guide them in properly setting up the FLOW HS project.  Users can choose to display or hide the name of each segment on the canvas and can see the dimensions of the project on the canvas. User can also configure the quantity and specifics of each connector block they want to add to the project. As the ctrlX FLOW HS product is currently in the prototype stage, access to the product in the ctrlX Configurator is limited to users with specific roles within the production environment.

Resolved bugs

  • Rated power characteristic shows incorrect unit
    ID 902012
    For ctrlX DRIVE MS2M motors the incorrect unit is shown for the characteristic rated power.

  • Connection between ctrlX Drive and MS2N motor not possible
    ID 925725
    The connection between a XMS2-W150 and a MS2N10-F0BHL...A was not possible

  • IndraControl XM - wrong material number after choosing software option "Milling" or "electronic gear"
    ID 933683
    After choosing one of following options, the material number is not been actualizing and is showing the wrong result (number). "Technology function Milling 1", "Technology function Milling 2" and "Technology function electronic gear"

  • CAD download from product search
    ID 934453
    The CAD download in the details of the product search was not possible.

  • ctrlX CORE - wrong material for ctrlX license dongle is selected
    ID 937656
    After selecting the empty ctrlX license dongle as part of the ctrlX CORE configuration, the a wrong material is selected. The chosen product is not the actual valid material.

  • IndraControl XM - wrong SD Card is chosen
    ID 943303
    By choosing "External SD Card" in tab accessories the wrong SD Card is selected 

  • Deleting of connections
    ID 913824
    If one connection out of multiple connections is deleted between two products, there is no more connection shown between the two products.

  • ctrlX DRIVE - Quantity capacitor
    ID 916461
    When changing the language during configuration to English, a wrong amount for a accessory capacitor is shown.

  • Wrong product is transferred from product search
    ID 916972
    Many products with forced ventilation 115V are not correct transferred from product search to configuration.

  • Wrong motor type selected when configuring by operating points
    ID 918344
    The result from using operating points is a MS2E motor. 

  • ctrlX DRIVElink with double axis
    ID 919591
    It was possible to select the DRIVElink option for the double axis drive.

  • Wrong status after validating a project
    ID 923048
    After the validation of a project, all products have the status "red".

  • Motor cable connection
    ID 904620
    A connection between a motor with dual cable and encoder performance "basic" and a drive without a multi encoder interface selected were possible

  • ctrlX Apps - Error when selecting one of the “HMI” licenses
    ID 904709
    An error message is shown when choosing one of the ctrlX licenses in the tab "HMI".

  • Date format in the PDF summaries
    ID 907842
    The currently used date format used for the PDF Project- and Product-Summary is not applicable globally.

  • Enhanced Product Comparison: Handling Additional Configurations
    ID 899398
    When comparing products that have the same base but different configurations, any additional configurations and characteristics that have values in one product but not the other will now be represented by a dash.

  • ctrlX DRIVE - input ranges for brake resistor
    ID 899859
    The maximum input values for brake resistor are changed for Converters and Power supplies to make sure an external brake resistor can be selected. Single product parameters still might be higher than the new max input values.  

  • SAFETYlink connection
    ID 900726
    Between two drives in a certain configuration no SAFETYlink cables can be added.

  • Customer number cannot be changed
    ID 886100
    In some situations it is not possible to change the customer number in the project settings.

  • IndraControl XM - External Power supply cannot be deselected
    ID 887068
    Once an external power supply is selected in the product configurator of XM, it is not possible to remove the external power supply again.

  • Indracontrol VPB40.4 could not be added via product search
    ID 891899
    Adding the Indracontrol VPB40.4 by using the product search is not possible

  • ctrlX DRIVE - wrong external brake resistor in converter and power supply
    ID 892832
    Due to missing dependencies check for maximum resistance RDC_Bleeder_max of the internal brake resistor/transistor vs nominal resistance RDC_Bleeder of the external brake resistor a wrong external brake resistor is selected.

  • ctrlX CORE - material number not shown in list view
    ID 896571
    After adding a ctrlX CORE with material number "R911406308" the material number is not shown in list view.

  • Project validation
    ID 897239
    Project validation doesn't stop when opening new project while validation is running.

  • Multiple system nodes and same connection names in list view
    ID 775995
    After loading a project the list view shows sometimes several connections with the same name and multiple system nodes.

  • ctrlX I/O - Wrong numbering and positions
    ID 849688
    The position of a fieldbus coupler (XB-EC-12) is displayed as “01” in the station list and the mini-map. Position of the fieldbus coupler (XB-EC-12) or a ctrlX CORE is “01” and 2 slots are in use

  • Connection IndraDrive Mi
    ID 864565
    When connecting 2 IndraDrive Mi with different with certain cable-connector directions, there is not shown any cable in Listview.

  • ctrlX I/O - Incorrect ctrlX I/O station after duplicate connected station
    ID 865071
    A duplicate of an ctrlX I/O station which is connected to an ctrlX CORE via "local bus connection" is not shown correct. The fieldbus coupler is not shown in "list view"

  • IndraControl S20 I/O - some single products can´t be added to graphic view
    ID 875219
    Following IndraControl S20 Material numbers can´t be added to graphic view by product search. R911173340, R911173344, R911173191, R911173192, R911173254, R911173255, R911173742, R911173745, R911173749, R911173747, R911173845, R911172541, R911172543, R911172542, R911172544, R911172532, R911172534, R911172533, R911172535, R911172539, R911174967

  • ctrlX IPC
    ID 883120
    The features displayed in the feature area are incomplete. Not all features are displayed.

  • Product search - XCS2-F is not configurable
    ID 884757
    After adding a XCS2-F to the graphic view the product was not configurable and displayed as an undefined product. 

  • Material number update
    ID 885891
    At certain situations when loading projects, the material numbers does not update.

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