
ctrlX Configurator - Release Notes version 1.2407.12

Version 1.2407.12 (2024-10-01)

  • Indracontrol VPB40.4 could not be added via product search
    IDĀ 891899
    Adding the Indracontrol VPB40.4 by using the product search is not possible.
  • ctrlX DRIVE - input ranges for brake resistor
    IDĀ 899859
    The maximum input values for brake resistor are changed for Converters and Power supplies to make sure an external brake resistor can be selected. Single product parameters still might be higher than the new max input values.Ā Ā 
  • SAFETYlink connection
    ID 900726
    Between two drives in a certain configuration no SAFETYlink cables can be added.
  • Rated power characteristic shows incorrect unit
    IDĀ 902012
    For ctrlX DRIVE MS2M motors the incorrect unit is shown for the characteristic rated power.
  • Motor cable connection
    IDĀ 904620
    A connection between a motor with dual cable and encoder performance "basic" and a drive without a multi encoder interface selected were possible
  • ctrlX Apps - Error when selecting one of the ā€œHMIā€ licenses
    ID 904709
    An error message is shown when choosing one of the ctrlX licenses in the tab "HMI".
  • Wrong product is transferred from product search
    IDĀ 916972
    Many products with forced ventilation 115V are not correct transferred from product search to configuration.
  • ctrlX DRIVElink with double axis
    IDĀ 919591
    It was possible to select the DRIVElink option for the double axis drive.

Version 1.2407.12 (2024-08-01)

Product Features

  • ctrlX IPC - PR5x.2
    ID 249120
    The new configurator for PR5x.2 is available. This new configurator for the box PCs can be found in the controls area. There PC's of the PR5x.2... series can be placed at the graphic view and configured in your projects.
  • ctrlX I/O - new modules available
    ID 642155
    In the ctrlX I/O configurator there are now new modules available (RS232; CNT 2; DI 4/HS; DO 4/HS).
  • ctrlX SAFETYplus - SAFEX-M0.x modules (S-DIO , S-ENC, S-AI
    ID 642197
    Following Modules can be added in ctrlX I/O configurator: SAFEX-M.02-22NN-2N-01-NN-NN , SAFEX-M.05-22NN-2N-01-NN-NN and SAFEX-M.08-22NN-2N-01-NN-NN
  • New pictures for Drives with SAFETY
    ID 734615
    ctrlX Configurator now supports new product pictures for drives which have safety configured from the families IndraDrive Mi and ctrlX DRIVE XCS2-F. This helps the user to visualize drives with safety functions on the graphic view.
  • ctrlX I/O configurator
    ID 779758
    Several minor improvements have been done to ctrlX I/O configurator. New 3D previews have been implemented, enhanced texts for each module has been added and new more specific names for each I/O modules have been defined.
  • ctrlX IPC - PR4x.2
    ID 798851
    The new configurator for PR4x.2 is available. This new configurator for the box PCs can be found in the controls area. There PC's of the PR4x.2... series can be placed at the graphic view and configured in your projects.
  • ctrlX CORE - Runtime version V02
    ID 805251
    All dependencies are added and updated in ctrlX CORE configurator.
  • ctrlX CORE - configuration based on technical parameters
    ID 809586
    ctrlX Configurator now supports a product configuration for ctrlX CORE based on technical parameters and not only product based. Therefore users can select the performance class, the amount of I/Os connected to the control, the amount of motion axes and the cycle time.
  • Connection HCS01 with MS2N..H
    ID 809754
    MS2N motors with electrical connection H can now be connected to HCS01.
  • ctrlX I/O configurator
    ID 823638
    The icons and mouse over functions in the ctrlX I/O configurator have been enhanced.
  • Connection for PR4xxx.2 and PR5xxx.2
    ID 823912
    The connections and corresponding cables for the Box PCs PR4 generation 2 and PR5 are now part of ctrlX Configurator.
  • ctrlX DRIVE XCS2/XMS2 - Encoder emulation
    ID 825091
    ctrlX Configurator now includes the function encoder emulation for single axis converters XCS2 and inverters XMS2.
  • ctrlX DRIVE enhancements
    ID 825144
    Several minor enhancements have been implemented to improve ctrlX DRIVE configurator. New product pictures for all ctrlX DRIVE, reworked mains filter selection, extended characteristic names for multi encoder interface, added motor gearbox combinations, more detailed texts for the several characteristics, a new hint about the timeline of the M4 safety in XCS2-F, new links to certificate documents for ctrlX DRIVE and the characteristic curves for HCS01 and MSM combinations has been added.
  • Connections enhancements
    ID 836868
    Minor enhancements for connection configurator have been implemented - e.g. the extensions cable are now named separate to visualize the different cable types.
  • ctrlX Apps - IXON - Cloud Connector
    ID 865091
    New licenses has been added to configurators ctrlX CORE, ctrlX Apps and ctrlX DRIVE including ctrlX CORE components.

Platform Features

  • Multi selection & operation
    ID 150578
    It is now possible to select multiple items on the graphic or list view. Therefore a selection mode can be activated and used to select one after another the elements. All selected products can then be duplicated, deleted, moved and compared.
  • Connection accessory
    ID 772817
    The connection configurator is now enabled to include accessory. In the motor cable configurator between drives and linear motors accessory of the cable can be selected.
  • Price calculation via service
    ID 823682
    The service usage has been extended and enhanced to have higher stability.
  • Typecode disassembling
    ID 825242
    The typecodes for XCS2-F and PR4xxx.2 can now be disassembled. This can be used for not existing configurations based on the typecode.
  • Buy via Distributor - Data Update
    ID 866481
    The list of distributors have been updated. Otto Zimmermann and Meister Automation (via Conrad) has been added in Germany and RS Components has been deleted in Spain and Portugal from the list.

Resolved Bugs

  • Price calculation
    ID 857870
    At certain points the price calculation using the webservice price fails and stops receiving the requested prices.
  • Project Description is empty after sharing the project
    ID 865966
    After sharing a project the then opened project has an empty project description.
  • Project summary download
    ID 869422
    When having a user defined control as part of a project, the project summary download is not possible.
  • ctrlX DRIVE - MS2E07 missing motor types
    ID 874349
    ctrlX DRIVE - MS2E07 with windings CN, CQ and CR cannot be configured.
  • Connection MS2N..C to ctrlX DRIVE smaller 54A
    ID 875660
    The configurator shows that a connection from MS2N with terminal box C to ctrlX DRIVE converters and inverters smaller 54A are possible.
  • Connection ML3 - ctrlX DRIVE: Extension cable actualized
    ID 881480
    When connecting ML3 with 2,5mm cross section to ctrlX DRIVE equal/larger 54A the extension cable RLC1-632ECB is selected.

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