
ctrlX Configurator - Using keyboard shortcuts and URL syntax

Keyboard shortcuts

Starting with release 1.2203.05 ctrlX Configurator supports the usage of keyboard shortcuts. Following shortcuts are supported

NavigationShortcutDelete of products on Graphic View / List ViewDEL / BACKSPACEDuplicate of products on Graphic View / List ViewCTRL + DOpen product configurator of selected productEnterOpen "Show details" dialogue of selected productCTRL + IConnect selected productsCTRL + LSave projectCTRL + SRestart projectCTRL + RCancel or close dialogueESCConfirm dialogueENTERMove product on Graphic View Arrow keys up/down/left/rightScroll in List ViewArrow keys up/down


URL syntax

Starting with release 1.2203.05 ctrlX Configurator supports the usage of extended URL to call the application. Following URLs are supported

ExplanationURL ExampleCall of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of project IDhttps://www.boschrexroth.com/ctrlx-configurator/#/solution/load/<project-id>Call of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of project ID and a product via material numberhttps://www.boschrexroth.com/ctrlx-configurator/#/solution/load/<project-id>/?m=<materialnumber>Call of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of project ID and a product via type code
Call of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of a product via material numberhttps://www.boschrexroth.com/ctrlx-configurator/#/solution/?m=<materialnumber>Call of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of a product via type codehttps://www.boschrexroth.com/ctrlx-configurator/#/solution/?t=<typecode>Call of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of project ID and a product via material number with direct open of CAD download dialoguehttps://www.boschrexroth.com/ctrlx-configurator/#/solution/load/<project-id>/?m=<materialnumber>&download=cadCall of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of project ID and a product via type code with direct open of CAD download dialoguehttps://www.boschrexroth.com/ctrlx-configurator/#/solution/load/<project-id>/?t=<typecode>&download=cadCall of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of a product via material number with direct open of CAD download dialoguehttps://www.boschrexroth.com/ctrlx-configurator/#/solution/?m=<materialnumber>&download=cadCall of ctrlX Configurator with transfer of a product via type code with direct open of CAD download dialoguehttps://www.boschrexroth.com/ctrlx-configurator/#/solution/?t=<typecode>&download=cad


Direct open of CAD download dialogue

By using the addition "&download=cad" in the URL the corresponding product is selected and the CAD download dialogue is opened directly, see example below.

Transfer of unvalid type code or material number

In case of transfer of an unvalid type code or material number ctrlX Configurator will be opened with the code in the search field.

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