upload customized json schema for configuration

Hi everyone,

I would like to enable user to get auto complete while editing the json configuration file. 

How can I do that? It looks like intelliJ is already running with some json schema.


Is there any way to upload json schema file that IntelliJ can use the schema for auto complete?

If it is possible to to set $schema using the addresses under "types" in datalayer?

I tried to add "$schema": "setting.schema.json" doens't work, since it is interpreted as inmemory://model/settings.schema.json


Best reply by nickH

Hi cchang 

I just tested it with our ctrlX Key Value Database app (which also has json files and schemas in the active configuration). And its possible to use auto-completion. See my screenshot: 

press CTRL-SPACE while editing


The schema in this case is located in the folder "schema". I tested it with Version 2.6.


Best regards, 


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