Hallo all,
I try to follow the link to create plc flatbuffer library.ย Using Flatbuffers in IEC 61131-3 Code - Software Development Kit (boschrexroth.github.io)
Can anyone help me why it failed to create PLC library? It even failed with the example.
The provided start.bat file doesn't work becasue it seems "-dest" option is not anymore supported.
After deleted this argment, I got the following error.
panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0
p.s. in step 2, while create empty library, I got the error shown in PLC Engineering
Further information:
CtrlX Works version: V-0118.2
obj2d.txt: fbs file
start_bat.txt: bat file
execute_result.txt: returned excution result from cmd
Thank you.