Failed to create flatbuffer PLC library

Hallo all,

I try to follow the link to create plc flatbuffer library.ย Using Flatbuffers in IEC 61131-3 Code - Software Development Kit (

Can anyone help me why it failed to create PLC library? It even failed with the example.

The provided start.bat file doesn't work becasue it seems "-dest" option is not anymore supported.

After deleted this argment, I got the following error.
panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0

p.s. in step 2, while create empty library, I got the error shown in PLC Engineering

Further information:

CtrlX Works version: V-0118.2


obj2d.txt: fbs file

start_bat.txt: bat file

execute_result.txt: returned excution result from cmd


Thank you.

Best reply by CodeShepherd

In the current version 2.02 of the ctrlX PLC Engineering you can find an import button to automatically create function blocks for acessing your self created fltbuffer.

ctrlX PLC Engineering - import from flatbuffer file

When a library needs to be created:
In the 1.18 and 1.20 version of the SDK the PLC library creation mechanis and also the PLC export file are not working properly. Please use version 1.16 to create the library.

The parameter in the start.bat of 1.16 will inclued some "lib" (e.g. -libTitle) not fitting to the instruction that can be found here. But without changing the star.bat it schould be possible to import e.g. sampleSchema.fbs in an already opened library project.

In version 1.20 of ctrlX PLC Engineering there could be warning in the library project that CXA_Flatbuffers could not be resolved by using "*". As a workarround it can be set to by hand.

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