Connect To Remote WebIQ Server Environnment Connection Failed


I have installed the WebIQ Designer and now want to publish on my ctrlX core.  I tried to connect to the remote server using the admin / boschrexroth but it fails. I added rules on firewall for port 10123 but still not working.

Proxy is off and no VPN , tried with ws and wss

similar post../smart-hmi-webiq-designer-and-server-zqilynus/post/how-to-upload-a-smart-hmi-project-to-the-webiq-app-in-ctrlx-core-uXmAsKby7HjyOpF

Maybe the difference is that I am using 1.12 with the core18 runtime ?


Thanks for the help.






Best reply by yulix

FYI , I was able to connect to the app server after re-installing the WebIQ app on the ctrlX core

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