problem with snap generation

Best reply by Sgilk

That is correct. The install script will grab the latest SDK. If you want to install a specific version, you can manually download from Github or modify the install script, as nickH described in the post linked above.


#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo snap install snapcraft --classic

sudo apt-get install jq -y

rm ctrlx-automation-sdk-*.zip*
rm ctrlx-datalayer-*.deb*


unzip -XK $(ls ctrlx-automation-sdk-*.zip) -d sdk-1-16
chmod a+x sdk-1-16/ctrlx-automation-sdk/bin/oss.flatbuffers*/ubuntu20-gcc-*/release/flatc 
chmod a+x sdk-1-16/ctrlx-automation-sdk/bin/framework/ubuntu20-gcc-*/rexroth-automation-frame
find sdk-1-16/ctrlx-automation-sdk/ -name '*.sh' -exec chmod +x {} \;

sudo dpkg -r ctrlx-datalayer
sudo dpkg -i sdk-1-16/ctrlx-automation-sdk/deb/ctrlx-datalayer-*.deb



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