Error SDK V1.18. Not able to snap, because the package 'ctrlx-datalayer' was not found.
When I try to build my snap for the example 'samples-cpp/registernode', I get the error:
Failed to fetch stage packages: Error downloading packages for part 'registernode': The package 'ctrlx-datalayer' was not found..
I created the App Build Environment with V1.16 and downloaded the newest SDK, which is V1.18.
Best reply by nickH
The snapcraft yaml files of all sample projects got simplified. But the ctrlx-datalayer debian package gets published in the SDK. Therefore, the storage folder (ctrlx-automation-sdk/deb) of the ctrlx-datalayer debian package in the SDK needs to be registered in the sources list (/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ctrlx-automation.list).
There are three ways to solve this:
The easiest way to solve this issue is to create a App Build Environment with ctrlX WORKS V1.18 and run the script “”. After this everything is setup correct and you are able to build the samples in the SDK.
If you still want to use your Build Environment (created with V1.16 or prior) or your own ubuntu machine: You can download the here and bring it to your build environment (drag&drop). Change the execute permissions, go to the folder where our datalayer debian package is stored in the sdk (ctrlx-automation-sdk/deb) and run the install script (~/
Besides this you can also do the steps, the script (2.) does manually:
Uninstall old ctrlx-datalayer packages sudo dpkg -r ctrlx-datalayer
go to ctrlx-automation-sdk/deb cd ctrlx-automation-sdk/deb
install the ctrlx-datalayer Debian package (V1.9.1) sudo dpkg -i ctrlx-datalayer-1.9.1.deb