Serial Setup Tool ctrlX DRIVES

I like to have information about the serial setup tool. 

We want to parameterise all connected ctrlX drive under a third party controller in "one click"

I know in the past there was a engineering tool available where you can download parameters to all drive simuntainusly and save a bunch of time. It was also possible to execute this over a command line, to load the parameters automatically.  Where can I find this for ctrlX. Ik like to have the order number for this licence. So I can activate the Serial Setup Tool.

Best reply by Sophie

For Serial setup tool we have different licenses (single or COPY license):

for IndraWorks 14VRs:

R911389372 SWS-IWORKS-IWS-14VRS-D0   

R911392414 SWS-IWORKS-IWS-14VRS-D0-COPY   

for IndraWorks 15VRS and ctrlX DIRVE (from AXS03)



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