Error with IDE Visual Coding when programming an axis

Hi everyone,

I am using the IDE Visual Coding to program the movements of 1 axis and I am seeing the errors shown below. I was wondering if anyone has a solution for this?

About my setup: I have a ctrlX Core connected to a ctrlX Drive and the Drive is connected to one motor (axis 1).

The axis is configured as shown below:

And my code is the following:

To run the code, I compile it and press start and it works fine, the motor moves as expected, but when I press the stop button on the IDE, the errors shown above appear and the ctrlX Core light starts blinking red.

Any ideas on what could be the issue?

Thank you!




Best reply by CodeShepherd

When using the stop button in the visual programing an abort of the script is triggered in the script engine and for security reasons an error is created to prevent e.g. unwanted axis movement.

The actual solution is to use a system function called "exit" with handing over the value "0". So in the system an successful termination is triggered. Beware that eventual moving axis will not be stopped in this case.

When handing over an other value then "0" an exception in the script engine is created with that error code.

IDE app visual coding exit

IDE app textual coding exit

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