Reading Functional Outputs/Inputs over CoE Objects not working


I have a customer using the SAFEX and they want to read the Functional Outputs from the CoE object library. This is to get the data in case the EtherCAT bus is not communicating and they would like to read the current error state.

We discovered that the manual lists the Functional Output data at Address 0x60B0. However, I attempted to use a CoERead function block in the PLC to that address and got an error. Later, I discovered that the data is actually at address 0x6220. However, when I read the data from this address, the data does not match what is being transmitted over the EtherCAT bus. When I read the CoE object with the CoERead function block, I just get a value of 33 from the first byte, and the remaining bytes are all 0.

I checked this with IO Engineering reading the CoE Object, while my PLC Engineering was reading the Functional Output data over EtherCAT, and I just see 0s where the status word and data should be. It appears like the Functional Output CoE object is not being populated with data.

Do I need to configure something in my SAFEX to allow the functional Output data to be read over CoE?

SAFEX-C.15 running FW was used for testing

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