again there is a bad issue with entities.
Everything worked well till there was an error stop suddenly.
Issue at fbAIL_ECATRead
It's from IL_ECATSoeRead
There are more used (fbBIL_, fbCIL_, fbDIL_ )and the others have no issue, so the error message of PLC Engineering is NONSENSE!
After renaming to fbEIL_ECATRead everything works -- no issues!
Going back to the name fbAIL_ECATRead error is again!
Such sudden errors are annoying with no sense.
No way to solve such error. No clearing or something helps.
Just a reset of PLC each time!
At the moment it's just a testing and developing system but there is no trust to make a product for customers with such problems.
Hopefully there is solution for this damned problem.
There is no fun to rename functions everyday just to get it working.
ctrlX PLC 1.18.1 is used
It seems to have some analogy to this post: