there is a strange behavior of variables.
There is a animation of analog clock. For that, system time is split in seconds, minutes, hours. With that and a factor, clockhands are simulated in a Visu (inner rotation of a line).
If using the global variable iSekundenAnzeige (used for the angle to display 0...360°) it doesn't work (since some days, before it worked).Â
When debugging with breakpoint the variable is written. But with next cycle of program it starts with 0. Then written again but with next cycle 0 again. At the end it keeps on 0.
The variable is read / written just one time, so there is no conflict
Renaming the variable it works.
Variable keeps its value.
Going back to the old name it doesn't work. Variable doesn't keep its value within one PLC cycle.
The issue is the same again as written above.
A similar issue was with a funciton block. Status of variables (input/output) were lost with each cycle. After renaming the instance name of function block it works.
Such isseus are very annoying and it would be helpful to know what to do.
-Clearing / clear all in editor doesn't help.
-Restarting ctrlX doesn't help.
-Shutting off and on ctrlX doesn't help.
Such unreliability of the system reduces the confidence and is very disappointing.