The OPC UA Server App offers standardized and secure communication in accordance with the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) standard. As an OPC UA server, the ctrlX CORE provides all connected OPC UA clients with all device data. Typical clients are HMI, manufacturing execution (MES) or data aquisition systems. Together with the OPC UA Client App standardized machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is possible.
The OPC UA Server supports the following features
- OPC UA data access
- OPC UA discovery services including browsing of data
- Encrypted communication
- Handling of certificates
- User identification and authorization
- Access to all Data Layer information including plc, motion, system and user app data
- Supports multi-dimensional arrays (matrices) as data type
- Access to PLC methods with parameters from PLC type ENUM
- Support of Data Layer BulkRead and BulkWrite if several nodes are requested in one service
- Methods can be added dynamically at runtime
A test client to evaluate and verify OPC UA communication is available here.
Support of OPC UA method services and PubSub mechanism is in preparation.
Latest features in version 2.6
- App restart directly via the web interface after a configuration change
- Support of method arguments with arrays of structures and arrays of enumerations
- OPC UA Server supports the GDS Push Model, which is described in "OPC 10000-12: UA Part 12: Discovery and Global Services" as Push Management
- Companion Specification Support - The OPC UA Server enables loading of OPC UA information models. Variables and methods of these models can be mapped to Data Layer nodes
- Support of the OPC UA BuildIn types "NodeId", "LocalizedText", "UtcTime" and "DateTime" in the Data lLayer address space
- Performance improvement for the "Read" and "Write" services for requests with a large number of nodes
- Support of Data Layer events
- Support of additional OPC UA built-in data types "StatusCode" and "QualifiedName" in the Data Layer address space