AxisInterface works fine for me when I add the template to the project. But if try to add AxisInterface to an empty project it is not working. MB_AxisInit appears to complete successfully (Done = TRUE) and MB_AxisInterfaceBase is being called cyclically, but I cannot write to any of the control structure elements. For example the OpMode is always stuck at ModeAb and PosMode.Position always shows 0 when I try to Write Values or do a MOVE move to load a target position. I have tried my own data structures as well as the pre-defined data structures of CXA_MotionInterfaceUser but it makes no difference. The blocks look the same how they looked in MLC but I must be missing something. Since since the template is now part of a compiled libary I can't see what's going inside, otherwise maybe I could figure out what else I need.
Best regards,