EtherCAT CoE communication as IOs


For the following configuration: ctrlX Drive with EtherCAT CoE (Cia402 profile)

I have performed some test with ctrlX Core and Beckhoff using Motion/NC and it works fine, but is it possible to communicate with the drive without the Motion? I mean, reading/writting directly the parameters (control word, target position...) as IOs?.

Best reply by CodeShepherd

I did not use ctrlX DRIVE but EFC to control in velocity mode via PLC. Should be quite similar and perhaps you can get some info:


/////  Control  /////
ControlWord.0 := Con_SwitchOn;
ControlWord.1 := Con_VoltageOff;
ControlWord.2 := Con_QuickStop;
ControlWord.3 := Con_Enable;
ControlWord.7 := Con_ResetError;
ControlWord; //11 = dec to stop, 15 = run, 128 = reset fault

Vel_command := TO_UINT(FreqSetSigned); //64036 = -50Hz; 1500 = 50Hz

/////  Status  /////
StatusWord; //563 = ready to run, 567 = run forward
Stat_VoltageOn 		:= StatusWord.4;
Stat_ReadyToRun 	:= StatusWord.0;
Stat_SwitchOn 		:= StatusWord.1;
Stat_Enabled 		:= StatusWord.2;
Stat_QuickStop 		:= StatusWord.5;
Stat_Off 			:= StatusWord.6;
Stat_Warning 		:= StatusWord.7;
Stat_Error 			:= StatusWord.3;
Stat_TargetReached 	:= StatusWord.10;


/////  Control commands  /////

Command			|	Bit7	|	Bit3	|	Bit2	|	Bit1	|	Bit0	|	Transitions
				| ResetFaul | EnableOp	| QuickStop	| Voltageoff| Switch on	|
				|			|			|			|			|			|
Schutdown		|	 X		|	 X		|	 1		|	 1		|	 0		| 2, 6, 8
				|			|			|			|			|			|
Switch On		|	 X		|	 X		|	 1		|	 1		|	 1		| 3
				|			|			|			|			|			|
Disable Voltage	|	 X		|	 X		|	 X		|	 0		|	 X		| 7, 9, 10, 12
				|			|			|			|			|			|
Quick Stop		|	 X		|	 X		|	 0		|	 1		|	 X		| 7, 10, 11
				|			|			|			|			|			|
Fault Reset		|	 1		|	 X		|	 X		|	 X		|	 X		| 15
				|			|			|			|			|			|
Disable Op		|	 X		|	 1		|	 1		|	 1		|	 1		| 5
				|			|			|			|			|			|
Enable Op		|	 1		|	 X		|	 X		|	 X		|	 X		| 4, 16


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