DRIVElink with integrated core


I have XCD drive with integrated ctrlx Core. I want to test drivelink functionality, but I have not been able to command slave axis from ab to Af. S135 must be included in the ethercat configuration, but I am unable to write to it. Using Motion app to access S135 is also not possible, because Motion app forces me to map S47 (Cyclic position control), which I want to read from the drivelink master axis instead of motion app.

I tried to work around this by setting drive profile to Soe, bit 14 "drive enable" not evaluated and use P116 directly, without success.

I suppose this would be easier, if I could change drive communication protocol to e.g sercos, but apparently this is not possible with the integrated core.

Any suggestions which parameter I can use to set enable and how the master communication should be configured?

Best reply by StefanAT_ctrlX

Hello Joonas ,

I just made a fast check with my XCD and integrated CORE. I have just no motors connected and therefore I use AxisSimulation.

But I set AF with S-134 (directly here now from DataLayer /Fieldbus S-134 to 111....   and also before the slave S-134 to AF.

The S-47 I have just for the masterdrive and the for the slave drive I cancelled the S-47 from the EtherCAT (IO-Engineering)  (you need the Expertadjustments to change the process data) .





The slave follows the master.





That was just a fast test ! 😉


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