Bosch Rexroth | ctrlX CORE | Licensing

Get an App License

  1. Go to the ctrlX Store and select the app you would like to have. Licenses can also be purchased via a sales representative.

  2. Scroll to the bottom and click on “ADD TO BASKET” under the license you would like. You can add as many licenses as you want.

  3. When you have finished shopping, finalize the order by clicking on your shopping basket at the top of the page and finalize the order.

  4. Licenses are delivery to you customer account. After your order has been processed (1-3) days, you will receive a welcome e-mail to register and gain access.

  5. Register if you do not have a account already. 

  6. After the first e-mail, you will get a second e-mail notifying you that your purchased licenses are now available.
  7. Follow the link to the Bosch Rexroth Licensing Center and log in. You can find your new license under "Activation & Entitlements".
  8. Alternitavely you can try our our new front end the ctrlX Device Portal

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