npm proxy settings for Node-RED App

I'd like to know how to add new nodes in Node-RED App in a proxy environment.
When I tried to add a new node from the Palette Manger of Node-RED App GUI, I got an error like this;
2022-03-09T08:51:14.694Z 追加 : node-red-contrib-onvif 1.0.3

2022-03-09T08:51:14.562Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save --save-prefix=~ --production --engine-strict [email protected]
2022-03-09T08:51:24.541Z [err] npm ERR!
2022-03-09T08:51:24.544Z [err] code E407
2022-03-09T08:51:24.592Z [err] npm ERR!
2022-03-09T08:51:24.600Z [err] 407 Proxy Authentication Required - GET
2022-03-09T08:51:24.638Z [err]
2022-03-09T08:51:24.640Z [err] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
2022-03-09T08:51:24.640Z [err] npm ERR! /root/snap/ctrlx-node-red/328/.npm/_logs/2022-03-09T08_51_24_605Z-debug.log
2022-03-09T08:51:24.699Z rc=1

There is a proxy error, so I think proxy setting is needed for npm, but I don't know how to do it.
I've already configured ctrlX core proxy setting from WebUI, so I can send a HTTP request to the internet or get a list of additional candidate nodes from the internet.
It seems that npm requires a separate proxy setting.

Best reply by CodeShepherd

Please have a look to this thread.

In short: Your ctrlX CORE needs access to the internet. It is not enough to have internet connection at your host PC.

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