Can I command with Softmotion a 3rd Party Drive through the ctrlX PLC?


We want to connect a Panasonic MADLT15BF to the Ethercat network,

When we add it in the ctrlX IO Software it seems that a Softmotion Axis is added automatically:


The problem is that then in the ctrlX PLC we do not know where to place our Panasonic Softmotion axis because under the datalayer instance of the Panasonic we can just insert a Softmotion Rexroth Axis or a Softmotion Standard Axis

Where do we need to place the Softmotion axis if we want to use the SM3 Libraries with this axis?


Best reply by ericvergara

Hello Nathanael,

In this case it was a Panasonic axis so I used the "Adding Softmotion CoE Axis" below the Datalayer node and it worked,

With a ctrlX Drive I also experienced this error, when I added the standard .xml version I could not add the Sofmotion CoE Axis below,



What I did to solve this it was to go to the Drive Engineering > Master communication > RPDO 0 and generate my own .xml



After this I added the .xml to the ctrlX IO software so when I scanned the Ethercat I read my .xml of the device


I transfered this configuration and then in the PLC Engineering I could add the Softmotion CoE axis! 


Hope this helps,

Mind that there is an error in the MC_Power block of the softmotion using ctrlX Drive with Coe,

Solved in this thread:


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