WebIQ 2.15.10 is not running on Ubuntu Core 22

If i want to install WebIQ on my ctrlX Version 2.6 I always get the error:

Installing an app
cannot perform the following tasks: - Ensure prerequisites for "ctrlx-smarthmi-webiq-runtime" are available (cannot install snap base "core20": Post "https://snapstore.boschrexroth.com/v2/snaps/refresh": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers))

Unfortunately I have to install Ubuntu Core 20. But I want to have the complete LTS support and as soon as I have to install an old version I loose memory of the control and I don´t have the complete LTS support of the new version.

Please integrate the support of core22 to the latest WebIQ Release!


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