Importing Structures

Using the OPC-UA Browser reading an MLC75 on IW14v22, I cannot import a structure as a structure, only create child variables. So for this structure:

I would get these variables:

I found that if I manually created a corresponding structure with WEBIQ...:

..then create a mapping like this, making the basename the PLC structure name..:

..then things seems to communicate properly:

The benefit here is the variables list isn't cluttered. I have tried this with a mismatch in ordering of elements, seems okay. Misnaming obviously doesn't work. So it seems to hold up. The questions then are: Is there a more succint way of doing this - either by using the browser or via the import feature of the structures? Also is this implied mapping (the strucutre element name must be appended to my base name somehow) the intended use of communicating structures via WebIQ/OPC-UA or is explicit mapping deemed more robust?

I ask because, if we decide to switch to WebIQ, I've thousands of variables to accomodate.

Best reply by HmiGuide

The issue you are describing is known. SmartHMI is currently investigating a way how to import structures as structures.

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