How to Upload a smart HMI project to the WebIQ app in ctrlX core

Hello everyone,

I created in the WebIQ Designer a hmi and it is localy running also and sucessful connectet to the ctrlX core via opc ua.

Now I want upload the designed HMI to the WebIQ app which is installed also in the ctrlX Core.

But it seems the connection from WebIQ designer dosn't establish. First try was the remotemangaer from WebIQ Designer, it search unendless for the ctrlX, and the second way was startig WebIQ Designer with parameters in the command promt (  "C:\Program Files (x86)\WebIQ\Designer\webiq-designer.exe" --ws-host= --ws-port=10123 ).

The Results you will see in the attachment.

May I have to do more settings in ctrlX?

Thanks for answers in advanced, Matthias

Best reply by webiq-eg

Hello Matthias,
Thank you for your feedback. I understand, you can now go one step further using the Remote Manager and entering the WebSocket Url in the field at the bottom left.
However, the login fails:
WebIQ uses its own username and is not connected to ctrlX for authentication. This integration could perhaps be implemented in a future version, which would of course simplify the work.
At the moment, however, WebIQ needs its own authentification and for the first login the credentials are user 'admin', password 'boschrexroth'. After the first successfull  login you can of course adjust the password and create new users etc.
Can you please try that?
Best wishes

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