Unable to build arm snap

So I have been building snaps before using a virtual machine. But now I want to try using the SDK to get a better workflow. But I'm running into an issue.

It seems like I'm missing something basic. I have installed the latest version of the ctrl works (1.20.12), it installed without any issues.
I have setup a build environment that has internet connection.
When I start the environment I have zero errors.
I have cloned and installed the latest version of the SDK from github.
I have run all the installation scripts in the README.md

I have setup a connection with vs code and connect to the build environment via remote explorer (SSH).

Everything seems to be working correctly until I try to build a snap. I have tried to build multiple of the samples snap but I don't get an arm64.snap I only get the amd64.snap
I run this command in the terminal ./build-snap-arm64.sh but I only get a amd64 version.

I seems like I'm missing something basic, have I misunderstood the SDK that you cant crossbuild with ctrl works? Or have I simply missed a step in the setup?

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