I want to read values in the datalayer via the RestAPI. This works for single variables without problems. I would like to read whole nodes with subnodes and associated variables and get the result as json. Based on the example project allprovider.data (main node "sdk-cpp-alldata", 2 subfolders "dynamic" and "string", each containing different variables) the response of the Get command as json should look something like this.
               „sdk-cpp-alldata“: {
                              „type“: „arstring“,
                              „value“: [
                                              „dynamic“: {
„bool8“: {
               „type“: „bool8“,
               „value“: true
„int16“: {
               „type“: „int16“,
               „value“: 100
                                              „static“: {
The Background is that I want to execute only one http get command. Then I want to process the whole json so that I can read all variables from it. Is this possible and if so how?