Rest API Subscription

Hello CodeShepherd 

Hello all we have been trying to get the complex subscription working, following the guide. but
im able to create the complex subscribe node where i get the code 201 but if i then try to execute a get like the examplei get nothing back. Thanks for you help
With kind regards,
David Maenen



with kinde regards,

Best reply by Sgilk

david4 ,

Like CodeShepherd said, you need a client that supports SSE. Python requests does not. See sseclient-py as an example.

Here is a modification of your code above.

    # Make the POST request
    motion_info =, json=payload, headers=head, verify=False)

    # Check the response for the POST request
    if motion_info.status_code == 201:

        response_data = motion_info.json  # Call the method to get JSON data

        print(response_data)  # Print the response data

        print(f"Error: {motion_info.status_code} - {motion_info.text}")

    url = ""
    stream_response = requests.get(url, headers=head, verify=False, stream=True)
    client = sseclient.SSEClient(stream_response)

    # Loop forever (while connection "open")
    for event in
        print ("got a new event from server")


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