Duplicate the SDK application

Dear sir

I have developed one SDK application to control the motion axis , create rt and nrt datalayer node and trace service in rt scheduler bundle.

What I want to do is duplicating the function( motion, datalayer and scheduler) to another SDK application named by a different name. And both the original SDK and duplicated SDK app are installed in the same ctrlX core, and achieve the same function, only the motion axis name, datalayer node name and scheduler callable name is different.

However, when I install the two APP in the same ctrlX core, I found that only one of them is normally running. So I guess the activator and the component or service in two APP is conflicted or not compatible.

I wonder if I want to achieve the above feature like duplicate one SDK APP to another, what do I need to change in the duplicated SDK besides application name, motion axis name , scheduler callable name and datalayer noede name?

Or is there any better way to achieve what I want? I want to duplicate the achieved motion and datalayer function and logic to multiple axis and data node.

And still I can not upload the picture in the forum , do you have same problem?

Best reply by nickH


From your question I got that you are developing not just a snap but a celix-bundle (with the RT-SDK). In this case you also have to change the name of the bundle, because this name has to be unique for the bundle.

The upload picture problem I also have with the new community, this is a bosch-internal issue. You can check this post on how to fix it.

Best regards,


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