DL_INVALID_ADDRESS while ceate a node (createSync)

Hello folks,

i try to create/add a node into the datalayer. I run an vritual-device out fo XWorks (ubuntu 20), and play aorund with the data-layer samples (C++)...

I could successfully connect to the device with the "DataLayerClient" sample , and successfully ping the device.

i worte a generic fun to create nodes :

but when i want to add (removeSync/createSync) a ne node the the dataLayer i get the "DL_INVALID_ADDRESS".


Do i have wrong charakters in the node path , or what are the issue?


Thanks in advance



Best reply by nickH

Hi Boris, 

a provider does not send queries (e.g. browse, read, write, create, delete, metadata) to nodes in the Data Layer. But the provider knows the data it providers in the Data Layer, since it has to know the answer to these queries. 

In general you always have one provider for a specific path in the Data Layer, this provider has to keep the data for every node he is responsible for.

On the other hand you can have many different Clients which can consume this data, the provider makes available. 


Best regards,


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