EAL4C master/slave position command error

I have a problem with the eal4c library (code developed in c++ on ubuntu 16.0), I have done the setup of two linear actuators in order to have the master and slave configuration, with the position control feedback for the slave, but If I try to move the actuator with the C++ application, using the ealMotionMovementMoveAbsolute() function, it returns the error "General error during function call".

If I de-activate the cross-communication and put the MLD to STOP, so I use only one axis the same code runs without problem. Do you know if I need to special connection setup or I need to write specific parameters to get the motion in the master/slave configuration?

the connection and the motion are performed with these functions:
handle = ealCreateDeviceHandle(false)
ealConnectionDefault(&handle, "master device IP")
ealMotionMovementPower(&handle, 0, true)
ealMotionMovementMoveAbsolute(&handle, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 0)

the MLD setup for master/slave setup is done following the guide in attachment.

thanks in advance, 



Best reply by RexCode

You can also try to use the Indraworks dialog of the operatiing mode "drive controlled positioning".

Here you can set target position and try to start a movement. In case this is working like described this will also work from your EAL program.

Best regards


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