Hello Team,
I am currently testing the Continuous Slope blending mechanism on XM42 for SCARA robot application, I have created sort of testing environment and trying to find out under which conditions it is working and vice versa. The main condition seems to be Blending Radius, that has to be bigger than half of the distance between given points, once the Blending Radius has smaller value on larger distance it sometimes works and in some cases I get error E02C0906. Is there any rule under which I could determine 100% functioning blending mechanism even with smaller blending radius on longer distances e.g. Blending Radius - 5 and distance between points is 50mm?
Another question I have is about Lead Time value, on default it was set for 100ms, but it caused error warning E02C0901 in smaller distances or high velocity. So I changed the value for 1ms and it works perfectly fine in testing environment, althrough I am not sure if it would be working on actual application where the time for Spline calculation could potentially needed to be higher. Is there any way to determine how much time the spline calculation need, or when exactly this calculation is being done?
Thank you for your answer.