My SAFEX C.12 is configured and running an application. However, on the EtherCAT bus, it constantly goes to Safe-OP with the diagnostic ' 0x001B: Sync manager watchdog'. If I command the bus to OP again, it reaches OP state but then goes into Safe-OP after a random amount of time. All other slaves on the bus are ok. This is a small application for STO outputs with some hardwired inputs. That is, no FSoE for this project. I cannot find a potential cause nor remedy for this situation.
C.12 Sync Manager Watchdog
Best reply by AllAutomation
Hello AutomateSHANE ,
yes there is some progress, but unfortunatly not as part of the V1.0.1.45-212.
Please check further release/patches for Bug ID #654893 ("SAFEX-C.1x: EtherCAT communication state drops to SAFE-OP at random amount of time") inside the Extended Release Notes. According to our findings during the recent two weeks the behavior is triggered by EoE- and CoE-object-access activities. This is a Priority 1 issue at our side.
At the moment we are not able to present a date, when a solution/fix will be available.
Dias , ChrM , M_Mohann, DNS28 : FYI
Best regards
Your ctrlX SAFETY team
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