I want to start a scheduler timer on the DataLayer. Path scheduler/tasks/ctrlXAutomation/info/duration/start.
I want to start a scheduler timer on the DataLayer. Path scheduler/tasks/ctrlXAutomation/info/duration/start.
With some great help and explanation it is working. It is good to share it also here the result of the working program.
PROGRAM StartTimerOnDL VAR fbStartTimer : CXA_AutomationCore_fbs.common_scheduler_fbs_DurationTimer; // The type definition can be found in the references write type totally on the end. fbBuilder: flatbuffers.FlatBufferBuilder; // Declare the flatbuffer builder fbDL_WriteNodeValue : CXA_Datalayer.DL_WriteNodeValue; // Write the generated flatbuffer to the node bExecute_write : BOOL := FALSE; // Only execute once // By a complicated flatbuffer you must work with offset. Not necessary for this example. //fbOffset: UDINT; // Write node values strNodePath: STRING(255); // Path in the DataLayer that you want to modify bStart_write: BOOL; // Execute the function only once // Some variable to see the progress writeNodeValue: CXA_Datalayer.DL_NodeValue; fbValueOut : CXA_Datalayer.DL_NodeValue; bDone_write: BOOL; bActive_write: BOOL; ErrorID_write: CXA_Datalayer.ERROR_CODE; bError_write: BOOL; ErrorIdent_write: CXA_Datalayer.ERROR_STRUCT; END_VAR Â
IF bStart_write THEN // Writing to the flatbuffer is started. The function is executed only once. fbBuilder(forceDefaults:=TRUE); // Define the flatbuffer // // For writing always the same sequence must be executed // - Start builder // - Add data // - Finish builder // - Set data from builder to the node value that must be written //fbOffset := fbStartTimer.createDurationTimer(fbBuilder, CXA_AutomationCore_fbs.common_scheduler_fbs_Timer.ALL); fbStartTimer.startDurationTimer(fbBuilder); fbStartTimer.addTimer(CXA_AutomationCore_fbs.common_scheduler_fbs_Timer.ALL); fbBuilder.finish(fbStartTimer.endDurationTimer()); // Finish complete builder and closing the startDurationTimer writeNodeValue.SetFlatbuffer(fbBuilder); // NodePath to create strNodePath := 'scheduler/tasks/ctrlXAutomation/info/duration/start'; bExecute_write := TRUE; bStart_write := FALSE; END_IF fbDL_WriteNodeValue( Execute:= bExecute_write, Done=> bDone_write, Active=> bActive_write, Error=> bError_write, ErrorID=> ErrorID_write, ErrorIdent=> ErrorIdent_write, ClientId:= , NodeName:= strNodePath, NodeValueIn:= writeNodeValue, NodeValueOut:= fbValueOut); IF fbDL_WriteNodeValue.Done THEN bExecute_write := FALSE; END_IF