WITTENSTEIN | App | Mechatronics

WITTENSTEIN - cynapse® Analyze

cynapse® Analyze is a constantly growing portfolio of smart analysis tools that enable real-time analysis of drive train data. The combination of intelligent algorithms with WITTENSTEIN alpha's core expertise in gearbox technology results in a wide range of synergy effects. The analysis tools can simultaneously monitor different points in the machine and be used for different machine applications. This enables recognition of more complex deviations in the machine process or component behavior at an early stage. Machine downtimes can be anticipated in good time, thus preventing high breakdown costs.

cynapse Analyze overview

The Health Index analysis tool enables real-time analysis of drive train data and evaluation of the actual load on the gearbox. The current gearbox status is displayed in a traffic light system. In case of deviations, you are notified at an early stage to avoid impending failures. Our recommendations for service or gearbox replacement ensure maximum availability and cost efficiency. Easy integration into higher-level systems enables seamless implementation. Our smart components recognize their status and automatically report any changes. Benefit from more than 40 years of expertise in gearbox development – now digitally in our Smart Services!


  • Real-time analysis of the actual data from the drive train for the entire operating time

  • Evaluation of the actual load and indication of the current gearbox status as traffic light signal

  • Early notification of deviations to avoid impending failures

  • Suitable recommendations for service or gearbox replacement

  • Easy integration into higher-level systems

Your benefits

  • Maximum availability through avoiding uncontrolled downtimes

  • Cost savings by preventing high breakdown costs

  • Greater sustainability by optimizing service life based on actual loads

  • Possibility of independent diagnostics with smart components

  • More than 40 years of WITTENSTEIN expertise in gearbox development available as a digital Smart Service

cynapse Analyze - Health Index: no warning



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The Company

With around 2900 employees worldwide and sales of €519 million in 2022/23, WITTENSTEIN SE enjoys an impeccable reputation for innovation, precision and excellence in the field of cybertronic motion – not just in Germany but internationally. The group possesses exceptional expertise for the mastery and further development of all technologies relevant to mechatronic drives and comprises six innovative Strategic Business Divisions. We develop, produce and sell products such as high-precision servo drives and linear systems, servo systems and motors as well as cybertronic drive systems for many areas of application including machine and plant construction, aerospace or oil and gas exploration. Nanotechnology and software components round off the portfolio. With 25 sites in more than 45 countries, the WITTENSTEIN group (www.wittenstein.de) is represented in all major technology and sales markets.

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