With the Cam Designer you can easily create and change your cam or flexprofile according to your application.Â
While editing you can keep an eye on all relevant values like position, accelleration, velocity and jerk due to the graphical visualisation. By adding events, variables and formulas you get the flexibility you need according to your needs.
Download your cam directly to the ctrlX MOTION app or let the Cam Designer generate your function block for your PLC projekt for a fast and easy usage.Â
The Cam Designer is supporting the following features
Graphical generation of cams for a simple configuration
Utilization of motion laws according to VDI 2143
Import and export functionality with various formats
PLC function block export
Direct download your cam to the axis in your ctrlX MOTION app
Use of formulas, events and variables
Automatic display of position, accelleration, velocity and jerk