Bosch Connected Industry | App | Factory IT

Bosch Connected Industry - Nexeed Virtual Assist

Intuitive error diagnostics, fast service support and direct insight even into complex machines: With Virtual Assist, the HMI is literally made three dimensional. Through simple configuration in Virtual Assist Studio, a Virtual Assist can be created from CAD models for each individual machine.

Virtual Assist communicates directly with the machine controller via the ctrlX Data Layer. With the intuitive diagnostics system EventViewer, all machine parts that have caused a fault condition can be directly visualized in a 3D model. This allows you to speed up maintenance times and shorten production interruptions.

Your advantages at a glance

  • Simple engineering: no programming, only configuring with the Virtual Assist Studio
  • Live visualization of the machine status via ctrlX Datalayer
  • Intuitive operation - even without specialized knowledge
  • Rapid fault diagnostics directly on the 3D model

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The Company

Bosch Connected Industry offers software and services for Industry 4.0 in a comprehensive portfolio under the name NEXEED. Based on the needs of its own Bosch plants and warehouses, NEXEED optimizes manufacturing and logistics processes in terms of transparency, agility, costs, quality and time and supports employees in their daily work. With NEXEED, Bosch Connected Industry enables the digitalization of the entire value chain. Employees at locations in Germany, Hungary and China are continuously developing the portfolio. In addition to the interoperable Nexeed Industrial Application System for connected manufacturing, customers also receive individual solutions for specific applications, retrofit solutions for existing plants, as well as a wide range of services such as consulting, technical support, employee qualification, and implementation assistance. For further information: www.bosch-connected-industry.com

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