I'm working on a project where I need to run a motor with a constant speed. I know that in IndraWorks there was a mode called velocity mode that could do this. I don't know if I'm missing something but I can't find this mode in the CtrlX libraries. Is it possible that this feature will be added later or is this feature removed? Thanks in advance.
Velocity mode missing Ctrlx
Best reply by LiuPengfei
After I checked, ctrlX 1.12.x dose not support velocity mode yet.
The velocity mode support start from
- MOT 1.14
- AxisInteface 1.16.
However, 1.16 has not relase yet, the version will come very soon. So you can't use AxisInterface yet.
But firmware inferface is avialiable, that is CXA_Motion, you can take this way:
- Install ctrlX works 1.14.x
- update image of ctrlX CORE to 1.14.x
- install MOT1.14.x and PLC 1.14.x
- using CXA_Motion.ML_AxsVelocity() to create a velocity command on axis.
Example code like this:
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