How to achieve Kinematics fast stop?

I use kinematics move command to achieve position control. I can see there is a ML_KinAbort command to stop the movement. But in ML_KinAbort, there is no deceleration that can be set, so kinematics stops by the last position command deceleration.ย 

In some situation, I want to stop the kinematics in faster deceleration, not by the last position command deceleration setting. I can see the ML_AxsAbort provides the deceleration setting, so in single axis motion control, it can be stopped in fast deceleration. When I use ML_AxsAbort in kinematics, it will cause the error because the axis is in kinematics group state. I don't want to cause this kind of erro in motion control.

So how can I achieve the fast stop with deceleration setting in kinematics?

Best reply by Michael

As i know this function will come with Release 1.18 -> ML_KinAbort2 (FUN)

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