I have the issue that WebIQ Trends showing up different on two different devices. The server runs on a CORE X3. On the picture attached I had connected a laptop (the trends look how they should) and a WR2110 (the trends look faulty).
On the WR21, the trends are not shown historically but show the actual values over the complete time interval (e.g. 1 minute, no affect of changing the interval).
There is a different behaviour in some other points too:
When unchecking and re-checking some trends via the Trens Select on both devices, the y-axes are grouped the way initially defined only on the laptop, not on the WR21.
In case I only selcet one trend to be shown, the laptop shows one fixed y-axis and the moving trend. On the WR21 the trend remains in the middle of the widget and the y-axis is moving instead.
X3 with 1.20, WR2110 RC7, WebIQ 2.15.7 (both, designer and server).
The devices are offline but time is synchronised (on CORE via browser, on WR21 manually).
Any suggestions from you on how to fix that issue?