Button to enable velocity change


I'd like to write in an input field a new value for a PLC variable, but I'd like it to not update the PLC variable until I press a button.
So used an input field widget linked to a internal variable and a button which should write the value of the internal variable to the PLC one. But it seems not to work.

Could you please help me?

I've tried to attach other screenshots of the widget and the variable but it seems I can't

Best reply by webiq-sk

1. Create a virtual (!) item and connect it to the input field - do not use an internal item as potentially different users might want to set different values here
2. Write a custom UI Action that uses readValue() to read the virtual item value and then writeDirect to write the value read to the PLC item

HmiGuide Can you please move this to the WebIQ forum?

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