How-to | HMI | May 11, 2022

WebIQ - How to add multiple languages

Step-by-Step guide

Step 1: Create your own localization sheet

If your language is not available within the default languages in WebIQ, you can create your own localization sheet. First things first, go to Localization Manager.

WebIQ Localization Manager

The available languages in WebIQ are German and English, but you can add as many as you want.

Default languages available

To add a new language, click on the “+” button.

Add a new language

Assign a name to the language you want to add and click on Create.

Add a new language

In the table, all variable names, text strings and messages in their own default language are displayed. To translate them on your language, all you have to do is select the variable name you want to translate, write its translation in the “Localized Text” field on the right side of the page and click on the Apply button.

Add a new language

Note: if you click on the checkbox shown in the picture below, all system text strings are displayed in the translation table and can be translated as well. System text strings contain widget captions, system messages, etc.

Add a new language

You can now export your own localization sheet by clicking on the “Import/Export” button. You can select the format you what to export you file to (JSON and CSV formats are available). Once your localization sheet is exported, it can be imported and used in different projects without translating it again.

Export/Import of localization sheet

Step 2: Create a button enabling translation on the HMI

If you want a button on you HMI enabling translated in a different language, you can just add a simple button from the widget list. From the Config tab of the button, scroll the screen up to UI ACTIONS section.

Add a new button for language

For the “UI Action OnClick” action, select “setlocale (final)” action from the dropdown menu.

Add a new button for language

Then press on the “+” button the right side of the field.

Add a new button for language
Set the UI-Action for the new button

Now select the language you want to translate your HMI to by clicking the button you’ve just created.

Select the new language

It should look like this.

New language added

Now you have a multiple language HMI.


The Company 

Empowering HMI Excellence
Smart HMI is a team of experts for the development, enablement and integration of 100% Web-Technology based Software, which empowers every customer to easily create future-oriented industrial HMI solutions. The Software Platform WebIQ – developed by Smart HMI -is a 100% Web-Technology based, forward-looking Visualization-System with comprehensive Design-possibilities to create industrial Web HMI’s.

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  • How-to use TB option (STO function activated over safe fieldbus) at ctrlX DRIVE

    What the function is good for If using the function "Safe Torque Off over safe fieldbus" coming with the "TB" hardware option, the following functions are included: Safe Torque Off (STO) Safe Stop 1 time monitored (SS1-t) Safe Brake Control (SBC) (at activation of STO function) The selection of the safety functions is taking place over one of the following safe fieldbuses Fail Safe (FSoE) over EtherCAT SoE or EtherCAT CoE or PROFIsafe on PROFINET Fig. 1: Functional overview of SS1-t and STO function Versions used All the functions and screen shots are based on: ctrlX DRIVE Engineering version 01V32 Runtime / Firmware version of drive AXS-V-0604 Prerequisites A connection to the various ctrlX DRIVE has been successfully established, the devices are correctly wired and 24 V are successfully put on. As well the engineering tool ctrlX DRIVE Engineering has been started. 1. Function The function follows the following scheme: SS1-t (time-prioritized, PLC/NC-controlled transition to standstill) If the bit SS1 is activated, a time monitoring is started. Within this time the drive should be decelerated by the control system to arrive at standstill. Latest after this time the "Safe Torque Off" (STO) function and the "Safe Brake Control" (SBC) gets active. If axis is arriving in standstill condition the drive can already be switched from AF (drive enable) to Ab (drive dis-enabled) and the "Safe Torque Off" (STO) function activated. Safe Fieldbus interaction One needs to select the so called "Safety Drive Profile V1" Fig. 2: Safety Drive Profile V1 and thus would get the following interchange signals in between control and drive: Fig. 3: Consumer / Producer connection (control / status word) 2. Parameterization in drive The axis must be parameterized in the following sequence: Fig. 4: Activation of safety function Fig. 5: Start "Initial commissioning" Fig. 6: Assign password (in here password "Safety" is used) Fig. 7: Assign and write axis identifier Fig. 8: Apply axis identifier Fig. 9: Parameterize "Safe brake control (SBC)" If a brake is present, check the checkbox, if not uncheck it like shown in here. Fig. 10: Parameterize "Safety bus communication" Fig. 11: Write slave address (in here: FSoE slave address) Fig. 12: Confirm slave address Fig. 13: Select profile "Safety Drive Profile V1 (791/796)" Fig. 14: Set the "Time to STO" to a proper value according to your application (with some safety margin) Fig. 15: Create, name and save so called "SafeMotion report" (contains all information for eventual later change of devices at break down (should be put to machine documentation)) Fig. 16: For lateron change of parameterization the menus can be accessed directly If you like to react as fast as possible on the selection of SS1/STO function w/o delay time of the safe bus communication the following parameterization may be used: Fig. 17: I/O settings (for direct and quick reaction to SS1/STO selection) Mind that pins XG31/3 and XG31/8 must be connected (wired)! The E-Stop function in this case need to be activated. Fig. 18: E-Stop function to be made active (in case of direct and quick drive reaction to SS1/STO selection) 3. Parameterization in SAFEX C.xx safety control The parameterization is done according to the following: Install device file in "Slave Device Editor" of ctrlX SAFETY Engineering. Fig. 19: Install device file (1) Fig. 20: Install device file (2) Hint: The relevant device files can be found in the installation of ctrlX DRIVE Engineering, usually under "...\Program Files (x86)\Rexroth\ctrlX DRIVE Engineering\DeviceDataSheets", see e.g.: Fig. 21: Usual location of DeviceDataSheets Create a project: - Insert ctrlX DRIVE in "terminal scheme" of SAFEX project - Activate "Safety Drive Profile V1" and define the FSoE address and connection ID - Insert needed Safety switches like STO and SS1 to the project according to your needs Fig. 22 : Add ctrlX DRIVE in SAFEX project (terminal scheme) Insert "2Byte Safety Drive Profile V1 (791 - 796)" to "functional scheme" of project and connect the corresponding STO and SS1 switch to the corresponding signals of the function block. Download the safety project to the SAFEX control hardware after compilation and activate it after going online. Fig. 23: Function block of "Safety Drive Profile" in "functional scheme" 4. Parameterization in control system The parameterization is done according to the following: Install device description with new "Safe Drive Profile V1" module in ctrlX CORE I/O Engineering. Fig. 24: Install device description to ctrlX CORE I/O Engineering Scan for EtherCAT devices and add to project. Fig. 25: Scan for devices Fig. 26: Add to project Plug 2Byte Safe Drive Profile module to drive and 2Byte in / out module to SAFEX! Fig. 27: Plug 2Byte Safe Drive Profile module to the drive and 2Byte in / 2Byte out module to SAFEX Copy FSoE telegrams from FSoE master to FSoE slave and vice versa and download the project to ctrlX CORE. Fig. 28: Copy FSoE telegrams from FSoE master to FSoE slave and vice versa When the SS1 function is activated by the E-Stop button the drive needs to be decelerated and the drive disenabled (AF --> Ab). Therefor the SS1 bit in the FSoE telegram is checked via PLC which disenables the drive when SS1 is activated. Fig. 29: ctrlX CORE PLC Engineering A usual scope reading is looking like the following: 1. Activation of SS1 function --> drive will decelerate by switching from AF --> Ab. 2. SS1 is active. 3. Drive is in Ab. 4. STO is active. Fig. 30: Scope readings with usual sequence
  • How To use Safe Door Lock (SDL) function with ctrlX DRIVE (with Safe Motion (SMO) hardware option "M8")

    What the function is good for If using the Safe Motion (SMO) M8 hardware option, the function Safe Door Lock (SDL) allows to create the necessary safe functions for one individual drive and thus one safe area. The safe state information are used to control a safe door device with the use of the I/O mapper logic. Fig. 1: Function block Safe Door Lock (SDL) Mind: The drive must be equipped with Safe Motion (SMO) M8 hardware option! Versions used All the functions and screen shots are based on: ctrlX DRIVE Engineering version 01V32 Runtime / Firmware version of drive AXS-V-0604 Prerequisites A connection to the various ctrlX DRIVE has been successfully established, the devices are correctly wired and 24 V are successfully put on. As well the engineering tool ctrlX DRIVE Engineering has been started. 1. Function The function follows the following scheme: EMERGENCY STOP (SMES) If the EMERGENCY STOP button is pressed, the corresponding safety function is activated immediately, which leads to a deceleration of a still moving axis. After coming to standstill and acknowledging the EMERGENCY STOP function the drive is shut off and thus torque/force free. The door is released to be opened at that time. Note, that the “Drive Enable” signal from the control has to be removed before the time entered for the reaction time of the EMERGENCY STOP function is exceeded, thus directly after the standstill is accomplished. Otherwise an error is shown. If the EMERGENCY STOP button is released again and the door is shut again the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed that the EMERGENCY STOP and thus the function is released again as well. Then the drive can be activated (drive enable be set) again. Mind that after first time switching on of the devices the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed to initially make the execution of the safe function work. Mind that the EMERGENCY STOP is always prior to all other safety functions and, if activated, superseding the in before active safety function. Mode Select - Change to Safety Operation Mode (activating the safe operational stop (SMST2)) If the “Mode Select” is switched, the corresponding safety function at the drive is activated immediately, which leads to a deceleration of a still moving axis. After getting to standstill the drive is in operational stop with torque/force on. The door is released to be opened at that time. If the Mode Select switch is released again and the door is shut again the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed in order that the safe function SMST2 is released again. Enabling Control (activating safe motion with limited speed)(SMM1 or SMM2) If the “Enabling Control” button is pressed additionally to the “Mode Select” switch, the corresponding safety function SMM1 or SMM2 at the drive is activated immediately, which allows the control to set a command with reduced speed. If the “Enabling Control” button is released again the safe operational stop (SMST2) is getting active again. Switchover of reduced limited speed (SMM1 to SMM2) If the “Switchover SMM1 to SMM2” switch is activated, the corresponding safety function SMM1 or SMM2 at the drive is switched over immediately, which allows the control to set a command with a corresponding reduced speed. 2. Wiring of drives The wiring should be according to the following principles: Fig. 2: Wiring schematics 3. Parameterization The axis must be parameterized like the following: Fig. 3: Settings of "Local safety zone" The safe inputs need to be set according to the requested functionality. In here they are set to the following: Safe input 1: EMERGENCY STOP Safe input 2: Mode selection signal (to change to safe operation mode) Safe input 3: Enabling control signal (Enabling pendant) Safe input 4: Switchover from Safe operation mode SMM1 to SMM2 allowing different safe limited speeds to be selected. Safe input 5: Acknowledgement that door is closed and locked Fig. 4: Settings of "Signal control of inputs" The safe outputs need to be set according to the following: Fig. 5: Settings of "Signal control of outputs" The I/O mappers should be set according to the following: Fig. 6: Settings of "Network 1" Fig. 7: Settings of "Network 2" Fig. 8: Settings of "Network 3" Fig. 9: Settings of "Network 4 " Fig. 10: Settings of "Network 5" Fig. 11: Settings of "Network 6" Fig. 12: Settings of "Network 7" Fig. 13: Settings of "Network 8" The I/O settings need to be parameterized according to the following: Fig. 14: Settings of "I/O" signals Mind that at first switching on one might get an error at the local safe area master: In using the normal "Reset" function of the drive (not the one for "Reset" of the safety functions) this can be quit.
  • Use 1 ctrlX SAFETY for several ctrlX DRIVE in 3 safe areas using individual SAFETY link addresses

    Mind that you find the sample safe logic code and sample drive parameter files at the end of the blog entry! 1. General information In the following we show to you how to control the SMO function of several ctrlX DRIVE in 3 safe areas each with a safe door via 1 ctrlX SAFETY using individual SAFETY link addresses. Fig. 1.: Overview Versions used All the functions and screen shots are based on: ctrlX SAFETY Engineering version >= SAFEX Runtime / Firmwareversion >= ctrlX DRIVE Engineering version 01V32 Runtime / Firmware version of drive AXS-V-0604 Prerequisites A connection to the ctrlX SAFETY control and ctrlX DRIVE has been successfully established, the devices are correctly wired and 24 V are successfully put on. As well the engineering tools ctrlX SAFETY and ctrlX DRIVE Engineering have been started. 2. Function of the established SAFEX logic program The principle function of the SAFEX logic program is the following: EMERGENCY STOP (SMES) If at least one of the three EMERGENCY STOP buttons at ctrlX SAFETY is pressed, the corresponding safety function at all the drives is activated immediately, which leads to a deceleration of still moving axes. After coming to standstill and acknowledging the EMERGENCY STOP function the drives are shut off and thus torque/force free. Note, that the “Drive Enable” signal from the control has to be removed before the time entered for the reaction time of the EMERGENCY STOP function is exceeded, thus directly after the standstill is accomplished. Otherwise an error is shown. If the EMERGENCY STOP button is released again the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed twice that the EMERGENCY STOP and thus the function is released again as well. Then the drives can be activated (drive enable be set) again. Mind that after first time switching on of the devices twice times the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed to initially make the execution of the safe PLC program work. Mind that the EMERGENCY STOP is always prior to all other safety functions and, if activated, superseding the in before active safety function. Mode Select - Change to Safety Operation Mode (activating the safe operational stop (SMST2)) If the “Mode Select” of one safe area at ctrlX SAFETY is switched, the corresponding safety function at the drives in this safe area is activated immediately, which leads to a deceleration of a still moving axes. After getting to standstill the drives are in operational stop with torque/force on. The door in the safe area is released to be opened at that time. Mode select of several safe areas may be switched. If the Mode Select switch is released again the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed once in order that the safe function SMST2 is released again. Enabling Control (activating safe motion with limited speed)(SMM1) If the “Enabling Control” button of a safe area is pressed additionally to the “Mode Select” switch of the corresponding safe area, the corresponding safety function SMM1 at the drives in this safe area is activated immediately, which allows the control to set a command with reduced speed. If the “Enabling Control” button is released again the safe operational stop (SMST2) is getting active once again. Mind that this function is prohibited if several Mode Select switches of more than one safe area are switched. ctrlX SAFETY link The connection to the drive is accomplished via the so-called ctrlX SAFETY link connection, a ring connection from the ctrlX SAFETY control SAFEX to all ctrlX DRIVE and back. Fig. 2.: SAFETY link schematics Wiring of safety elements The following wiring is used to connect the different safety elements to SAFEX-C1.x: Fig. 3.: Wiring 3. Wiring schematics The SAFEX control´s input devices are: 3 double channel EMERGENCY STOP buttons fed by pulsed 24V 3 double channel Mode Select switches fed by pulsed 24V 3 single channel reset button fed by non-pulsed 24V 3 Reset buttons 1 Double channel “Door closed” contact from the SIEMENS safety door (in total 1 double input) 1 Single channel “Door closed” contact from each of the 2 Pilz safety doors (in total 2 single inputs) 1 Double channel “Door locked” contact from each of the 3 safety doors (in total 3 double inputs) All double channel buttons are fed by pulsed 24V. The output devices are: One OSSD fed output connected to open the 1 SIEMENS safety door device Two OSSD fed outputs connected to close the 2 Pilz safety door devices 3 single OSSD fed outputs to indicate that safe area is in safe condition (if in SMES, SMST2 or SMM1 doesn´t matter) Fig. 4.: Wiring schematics 4. Settings inside SAFEX control The settings of the SAFEX control and the devices connected to the ctrlX SAFETY control should be according to the following. Fig. 5.: Settings of SAFEX control Mind that depending on the amount of so called FC Code commands and the logic in the functional scheme and FastChannel the "Cycle Time", set here to 4 ms, might be restricted. Then try with higher "Cycle Time" like 8, 12 or 16 ms and take that into account for the reaction time. Fig. 6.: Check of FC Code command Fig. 7.: Settings of “Emergency Stop 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX control Fig. 8.: Settings of different “ModeSelect” 1 to 3 switches connected to SAFEX control Fig. 9.: Settings of “Enabling Control 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX control Fig. 10.: Settings of “Reset 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX control Fig. 11.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 1 closed” contacts connected to SAFEX control Fig. 12.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 2 closed” and “Door Safe Area 3 closed” contacts connected to SAFEX control Fig. 13.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 1 Locked” contacts connected to SAFEX control Fig. 14.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 2 Locked” and “Door Safe Area 3 Locked” contacts connected to SAFEX control (Pilz device uses OSSD outputs by itself therefor here “Cross Circuit Check” is off) Fig. 15.: Settings of “Open Door 1” output of SAFEX control Fig. 16.: Settings of “Close Door 2” and “Close Door 3” outputs of SAFEX control Fig. 17.: Settings of “Area 1 Safe Ack” to “Area 3 Safe Ack” outputs of SAFEX control 5. Safe logic inside SAFEX control The safe logic inside the SAFEX control is created according to the following schematics. Fig. 18.: Safe logic inside SAFEX control Fig. 19.: Settings of Restart block Fig. 20.: Settings of Timers 1 - 3 (in here as delay time 0,240 s is chosen, in your application this time may differ) Fig. 21.: FastChannel Scheme inside SAFEX control Fig. 22.: SAFETY link Master settings inside SAFEX control (Version 1.1 is needed and Cycle Time must be set to 2ms) Fig. 23.: SAFETY link Slave settings inside SAFEX control (Mind that you need to set the Safety Address of the “SAFETYlink Slave” in accordance to the settings in the ctrlX DRIVE) Fig. 24.: “Logic 1” blocks (these are used to easily extend or diminish the inputs at the “AND Block”s if adding or deleting “SAFETYlink Slave” elements for the different safe areas according to the needs of your machine) 6. Settings of ctrlX DRIVE The settings inside ctrlX DRIVE are done according to the following: Fig. 25.: Settings of ctrlX SAFETY link – Configuration Fig. 26.: Settings of ctrlX SAFETY link – Outputs (SAFETY link address and status signals, see as well Fig. 23) Fig. 27.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 1 (in here in drives with address 1 and 11) Fig. 28.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 2 (in here in drives with address 2 and 12) Fig. 29.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 3 (in here in drives with address 3 and 13)
  • Setup and Mount Network Share (NFS) using an Ubuntu OS

    Introduction The NFS (Network-File-System) share allows file sharing across networked systems, allowing centralized data storage, efficient collaboration and simple access. This How-To covers the initial steps of mounting a Network Share using an Ubuntu Operating System and connecting it to the ctrlX CORE. Prerequisites ctrlX CORE (version 3.4 or higher) Ubuntu OS or Ubuntu Virtual Machine (the used OS in the How-To is an Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Machine) Internet Connection on Ubuntu Machine 1) Mount Network Share on your Ubuntu Machine Configuring an NFS share on Ubuntu is straightforward, as it primarily involves using command-line tools. While setting up an NFS share on Windows is also possible, the process can be considerably more complex. Just follow these steps to successfully mount your NFS Share: Open a new Command Window Install the NFS Server sudo apt update sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server -y Create shared directory sudo mkdir -p /mnt/nfs-share Avoid using underlines or other special characters in your folder names as some characters are currently blocked for the ctrlX CORE Set permissions sudo chmod 777 /mnt/nfs-share Configure exports file sudo nano /etc/exports Add this line /mnt/nfs-share,sync,no_subtree_check) This command allows all devices with an IP-address of "192.168.1.x" to access the network share. If your ctrlX CORE has a different IP-address, you have to adjust the command accordingly. Also the NFS-Server should be in the same subnet "192.168.1.y" ( in this case). Press "Ctrl+O", then "Ctrl+X" to save and to return to your command window Restart Nfs service sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server Enable NFS to start on boot sudo systemctl enable nfs-kernel-server Allow NFS through firewall sudo ufw allow from to any port nfs sudo ufw reload Install NFS Client sudo apt update sudo apt install nfs-common -y Mount NFS Share on Client sudo mkdir -p /mnt/nfs_client sudo mount /mnt/nfs_client Note: "" is the IP-Address of the NFS-Server. If you want to use a different IP, you have to modify the provided Code accordingly. Verify Mount: df -h | grep nfs You should be seeing something like this now: Mount NFS Share: Result You can optionally make the Mount persistent (recommended). You will not have to mount the Share every time you restart your system. sudo nano /etc/fstab Add this line: /mnt/nfs_client nfs defaults,_netdev 0 0 Create test file (optional test) touch /mnt/nfs_client/testfile.txt Note: Some of the commands might be unnecessary in your case. However, executing them will not harm your progress. 2) Mount NFS Share on your ctrlX CORE Navigate in your ctrlX CORE to Settings -> Storage Navigation to Mount the NFS Share on the ctrlX CORE Select "Mount network share" Mount Network Share Enter the Server and the Share (Port can be let empty) If you configured the NFS Share on a Virtual Machine, it might be easier to Mount the NFS share also in the Web Interface on your Virtual Machine than doing it on your Host Mount Network Share: Configuration After successful Mounting, your Network shares should look like this: Screen after successful Mounting
  • How-to access ctrlX CORE if IP-Address is unknown/misconfigured

    No connection to your ctrlX CORE anymore? You don't know the IP address of your ctrlX CORE? Or you (accidentally) misconfigured your IP settings? You can always connect to the ctrlX CORE via the unique IPv6 Link-local address. But how to figure it out, and how to use it? Check the Typ Plate of your ctrlX CORE for the Mac address of the XF10 interface To calculate the IPv6 Link-local address from this you can either do it "by hand", there is a nice guide from Lenovo Or you use one of various online calculators, like this MAC to IPv6 Converter Use this address but it in square brackets[] and add https:// in front, like: https://[fe80::260:34ff:fe8b:7f7a] This works only for the interface specified on the type plate. Make sure IPv6 is activated for your network card.