Mind that you find the sample safe logic code and sample drive parameter files at the end of the blog entry!
1. General information
In the following we show to you how to control the SMO function of several ctrlX DRIVE in 3 safe areas each with a safe door via 1 ctrlX SAFETY using individual SAFETY link addresses.
Fig. 1.: Overview
Versions used
All the functions and screen shots are based on:
ctrlX SAFETY Engineering version >=
SAFEX Runtime / Firmwareversion >=
ctrlX DRIVE Engineering version 01V32
Runtime / Firmware version of drive AXS-V-0604
A connection to the ctrlX SAFETY control and ctrlX DRIVE has been successfully established, the devices are correctly wired and 24 V are successfully put on. As well the engineering tools ctrlX SAFETY and ctrlX DRIVE Engineering have been started.
2. Function of the established SAFEX logic program
The principle function of the SAFEX logic program is the following:
If at least one of the three EMERGENCY STOP buttons at ctrlX SAFETY is pressed, the corresponding safety function at all the drives is activated immediately, which leads to a deceleration of still moving axes. After coming to standstill and acknowledging the EMERGENCY STOP function the drives are shut off and thus torque/force free.
Note, that the “Drive Enable” signal from the control has to be removed before the time entered for the reaction time of the EMERGENCY STOP function is exceeded, thus directly after the standstill is accomplished. Otherwise an error is shown.
If the EMERGENCY STOP button is released again the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed twice that the EMERGENCY STOP and thus the function is released again as well. Then the drives can be activated (drive enable be set) again.
Mind that after first time switching on of the devices twice times the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed to initially make the execution of the safe PLC program work.
Mind that the EMERGENCY STOP is always prior to all other safety functions and, if activated, superseding the in before active safety function.
Mode Select - Change to Safety Operation Mode (activating the safe operational stop (SMST2))
If the “Mode Select” of one safe area at ctrlX SAFETY is switched, the corresponding safety function at the drives in this safe area is activated immediately, which leads to a deceleration of a still moving axes. After getting to standstill the drives are in operational stop with torque/force on.
The door in the safe area is released to be opened at that time. Mode select of several safe areas may be switched.
If the Mode Select switch is released again the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed once in order that the safe function SMST2 is released again.
Enabling Control (activating safe motion with limited speed)(SMM1)
If the “Enabling Control” button of a safe area is pressed additionally to the “Mode Select” switch of the corresponding safe area, the corresponding safety function SMM1 at the drives in this safe area is activated immediately, which allows the control to set a command with reduced speed. If the “Enabling Control” button is released again the safe operational stop (SMST2) is getting active once again.
Mind that this function is prohibited if several Mode Select switches of more than one safe area are switched.
ctrlX SAFETY link
The connection to the drive is accomplished via the so-called ctrlX SAFETY link connection, a ring connection from the ctrlX SAFETY control SAFEX to all ctrlX DRIVE and back.
Fig. 2.: SAFETY link schematics
Wiring of safety elements
The following wiring is used to connect the different safety elements to SAFEX-C1.x:
Fig. 3.: Wiring
3. Wiring schematics
The SAFEX control´s input devices are:
3 double channel EMERGENCY STOP buttons fed by pulsed 24V
3 double channel Mode Select switches fed by pulsed 24V
3 single channel reset button fed by non-pulsed 24V
3 Reset buttons
1 Double channel “Door closed” contact from the SIEMENS safety door (in total 1 double input)
1 Single channel “Door closed” contact from each of the 2 Pilz safety doors (in total 2 single inputs)
1 Double channel “Door locked” contact from each of the 3 safety doors (in total 3 double inputs)
All double channel buttons are fed by pulsed 24V.
The output devices are:
One OSSD fed output connected to open the 1 SIEMENS safety door device
Two OSSD fed outputs connected to close the 2 Pilz safety door devices
3 single OSSD fed outputs to indicate that safe area is in safe condition (if in SMES, SMST2 or SMM1 doesn´t matter)
Fig. 4.: Wiring schematics
4. Settings inside SAFEX control
The settings of the SAFEX control and the devices connected to the ctrlX SAFETY control should be according to the following.Â
Fig. 5.: Settings of SAFEX control
Mind that depending on the amount of so called FC Code commands and the logic in the functional scheme and FastChannel the "Cycle Time", set here to 4 ms, might be restricted. Then try with higher "Cycle Time" like 8, 12 or 16 ms and take that into account for the reaction time.
Fig. 6.: Check of FC Code commandÂ
Fig. 7.: Settings of “Emergency Stop 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX control  Â
Fig. 8.: Settings of different “ModeSelect” 1 to 3 switches connected to SAFEX controlÂ
Fig. 9.: Settings of “Enabling Control 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX controlÂ
Fig. 10.: Settings of “Reset 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX controlÂ
Fig. 11.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 1 closed” contacts connected to SAFEX controlÂ
Fig. 12.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 2 closed” and “Door Safe Area 3 closed” contacts connected to SAFEX control
Fig. 13.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 1 Locked” contacts connected to SAFEX control
Fig. 14.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 2 Locked” and “Door Safe Area 3 Locked” contacts connected to SAFEX control (Pilz device uses OSSD outputs by itself therefor here “Cross Circuit Check” is off)
Fig. 15.: Settings of “Open Door 1” output of SAFEX control
Fig. 16.: Settings of “Close Door 2” and “Close Door 3” outputs of SAFEX controlÂ
Fig. 17.: Settings of “Area 1 Safe Ack” to “Area 3 Safe Ack” outputs of SAFEX control
5. Safe logic inside SAFEX control
The safe logic inside the SAFEX control is created according to the following schematics.
Fig. 18.: Safe logic inside SAFEX controlÂ
Fig. 19.: Settings of Restart block
Fig. 20.: Settings of Timers 1 - 3 (in here as delay time 0,240 s is chosen, in your application this time may differ)
Fig. 21.: FastChannel Scheme inside SAFEX control
Fig. 22.: SAFETY link Master settings inside SAFEX control (Version 1.1 is needed and Cycle Time must be set to 2ms)
Fig. 23.: SAFETY link Slave settings inside SAFEX control (Mind that you need to set the Safety Address of the “SAFETYlink Slave” in accordance to the settings in the ctrlX DRIVE)
Fig. 24.: “Logic 1” blocks (these are used to easily extend or diminish the inputs at the “AND Block”s if adding or deleting “SAFETYlink Slave” elements for the different safe areas according to the needs of your machine)
 6. Settings of ctrlX DRIVE
The settings inside ctrlX DRIVE are done according to the following:
Fig. 25.: Settings of ctrlX SAFETY link – Configuration
Fig. 26.: Settings of ctrlX SAFETY link – Outputs (SAFETY link address and status signals, see as well Fig. 23)
Fig. 27.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 1 (in here in drives with address 1 and 11)
Fig. 28.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 2 (in here in drives with address 2 and 12)
Fig. 29.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 3 (in here in drives with address 3 and 13)