- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Setup the I/O configuration
- Use the I/O signals in the PLC
- Related Links
- The Company
The WAGO I/O System 750 is distinguished by its more than 500 different modules for the field-side connection of sensors, actuators and communication devices and its openness to a wide range of fieldbus systems. This flexibility makes the WAGO I/O System 750 extremely attractive for many and very different fields of application.
This instruction shows how the WAGO I/O System 750 can be connected to the ctrlX CORE via EtherCAT.
This instruction has been created based on
- ctrlX CORE V1.10
- ctrlX CORE EtherCAT Master App V1.10
- ctrlX PLC Engineering V1.10
- ctrlX I/O Engineering V1.10
- WAGO_750-0354_22.xml
and exemplarily with the following modules from the WAGO I/O System 750:
- 750-354 Fieldbus Coupler EtherCAT
- 750-430 8-channel digital input; 24 VDC; 3 ms
- 750-530 8-channel digital output; 24 VDC; 0.5A
- 750-559 4-channel analog output; 0..10 VDC
- 750-468 4-channel analog input; 0..10 VDC; Single-ended
- 750-600 End module
Setup the I/O configuration
- Open ctrlX CORE user interface in browser.
CTRLX CORE user interface - Add EtherCAT master by clicking [+] in EtherCAT > Configuration.
EtherCAT > Configuration > [+] EtherCAT > Configuration > [+] > [OK] - Launch the local installed ctrlX I/O Engineering by clicking on [ctrlX I/O Engineering].
EtherCAT > Configuration > [ctrlX I/O Engineering] - Choose a project name and a folder where the I/O configuration should be saved.
Start ctrlX I/O Engineering > Choose a project name and a folder - If a window appears right after the start of ctrlX I/O Engineering please choose [Use project from ctrlX].
ctrlX I/O Engineering > Project Synchronization - Install the device description file WAGO_750‑0354_22.xml by selecting Tools > Device Repository…
The file can be found on the WAGO website, search for "750".Tools > Device Repository Tools > Device Repositoryx> [Install] (Select the WAGO_750-0354_22.xml file to install.) Tools > Device Repositoryx> [Close] - Choose Scan for Devices… from the context menu from the item “ethercatmaster” to add the 750-354 Fieldbus Coupler EtherCAT.
Scan for devices - Click [Insert all newly scanned devices] and close the dialog by clicking on [OK].
Scan for Devicesx > [Insert all newly scanned devices] Scan for Devicesx > [OK] ctrlX I/O Engineering with added 750-354 Fieldbus Coupler EtherCAT - Select “ethercatmaster” and choose the operating mode “Pre-OP” in the field State machine > Master state after download to apply the configuration in the next step.
State machine > Master state after download > xPre-OPx -
Apply configuration by choosing Transferring field bus configuration from the context menu of “ethercatmaster”. In case of an upcoming question regarding the change of the operating mode to “Init” it must be confirmed by clicking [Yes].
xethercatmasterx > Transferring field bus configuration Confirm the change of the operating mode to xInitx by clicking [Yes] - Choose again Scan for Devices… from the “ethercatmaster” item’s context menu to add the installed modules.
Scan for Devicesx > [Insert all newly scanned devices] - Click [Insert all newly scanned devices] and close the dialog by clicking on [OK].
Scan for Devicesx > [Insert all newly scanned devices] Scan for Devicesx > [OK] CTRLX I /O ENGINEERING with added I/O modules - Select “ethercatmaster” and choose the operating mode “Pre-OP” in the field State machine > Master state after download to apply the configuration in the next step and to start the data cycling automatically.
State machine > Master state after download > xOPx -
Apply module configuration by choosing Transferring field bus configuration from the context menu of “ethercatmaster”.
In case of an upcoming question regarding the change of the operating mode to “Init” must be confirmed by clicking [Yes].xethercatmasterx > Transferring field bus configuration Confirm the change of the operating mode to xInitx by clicking [Yes] - Save the I/O configuration via File > Save and exit the ctrlX I/O Engineering.
- Check the status of the EtherCAT fieldbus in the ctrlX CORE user interface via EtherCAT > Status.
ctrlX CORE > EtherCAT > Status -
The data exchange can be checked using the System > Data Layer.
In this example the digital outputs one and two are bridged to the digital inputs one and two by hardware.
A manually override of the both outputs “Output_s_.Channel_1_Data_1” and “Output_s_.Channel_2_Data_1” of the “_750_5xx_750_15xx_8b_out” could be read back by the input module “_750_4xx_750_14xx_8b_in” at the inputs “Input_s_.Channel_1_Data_1” und “Input_s_.Channel_2_Data_1”.
Manually override two outputs.. xand read the values back at the bridged inputs.
Use the I/O signals in the PLC
- Launch the local installed ctrlX PLC Engineering by clicking on [Start ctrlX PLC Engineering].
PLC > [Start ctrlX PLC Engineering] - Choose a project name and a folder where the PLC project should be saved.
Start ctrlX PLC Engineering > Choose a project name and a folder - Connect to Data Layer by choosing Edit > Online from ctrlX CORE… from the context menu of “DataLayer_Realtime” in the window Devices.
ctrlX PLC Engineering > Devices > xDataLayer_Realtimex > Edit > Online from ctrlX COREx - Select “ethercat_master_instances_eth[…]” and apply by clicking [Apply changes].
Edit online from ctrlX CORE > Select xethercat_master_instances_ethercatmasterx > [Apply changes] - Select item “_750_354” and apply by clicking [Apply changes].
Edit online from ctrlX CORE > Select x_750_354x > [Apply changes] - Select all module items and apply by clicking [Apply changes].
Edit online from ctrlX CORE > Select all items > [Apply changes] - Select all channel items and apply by clicking [Close].
Edit online from ctrlX CORE > Select all items > [Close] - After successful setup, the device tree displays the added devices.
All I/O modules have been added to the window Devices - Open the programming window by double click on “PLC_PRG (PRG)” and enter the variables in the declaration window (top) and call them in the programming window (bottom).
PLC_PRG: Variable declaration and programming - Assign the input variables bInStart and bInStop to the first two input channels of the input module „_750_4xx_750_14xx_8b_in_“.
Assign input variables to input channels - Assign the output variables bOutError and bOutReady to the first two channels of the output module “_750_5xx_750_15xx_8b_out_”.
Assign input variables to input channels - Log on to the PLC by Online > Login or by clicking the button in the toolbar and install the controller’s certificate in the local storage by clicking on [OK].
Online > Login Online > Login > Install certificate - A possible query for creating the application on the controller must be confirmed with [Yes].
Confirm the creation of the application - Start the application program by Debug > Start or by clicking the button in the toolbar.
Debug > Start - The view switches to online mode and variable values are displayed and can be set.
Online mode with variable values (bInStop has been set manually) - Save the PLC program via File > Save and exit the ctrlX PLC Engineering.
Related Links
The Company
The WAGO Group is an international, family-owned company that offers both market-leading products for electrical interconnection technology and an open automation platform recognized across all industries. Automation users of WAGO profit from the freedom of being able to implement automation and IT tasks on an open platform while having access to a nearly boundless range of input and output modules. End users also profit from ready-to-use and custom tailored coordinated solutions. Benefits include enormous versatility, design freedom and end-to-end communication, from the sensor level all the way up to the cloud. Users also enjoy a high degree of reliability – even under extreme conditions. WAGO products connect, measure and network through simple solutions and intelligent connections. Customers profit from scalable solutions for integrating physical measured variables and from applications and assets in fields such as building automation, energy management, shop floor connectivity and much more. WAGO is open and ready for your digital future.