
HowTo display content in a table


27 Feb 2023 Update webIQ project for esier usage with PLC data exchange
24 Feb 2023 Initial release


  • WebIQ Designer version 2.13 or higher (project is created with 2.13)
  • Basic knowledge of WebIQ Designer
  • Basic JavaScript know how


In version 2.13 WebIQ does not provide a table control, but with the attached example you can easy create a table with content provided within string or structure arrays. This arrays can be filled e.g. by your PLC program. No deep JavaScript know how is necessary, to use the functions. Section "Use table functionality in your project " describe the step, for using the table functionality in your WebIQ project.

Helpful links

CSS table styler https://divtable.com/table-styler/
CSS selectors: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp  https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS 
predefined colors: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors.asp

Usage of demo project

The demo programme enables the table display of data stored in string and struct arrays.
In most cases, the data to be displayed is collected in the PLC and then copied into the array. In addition, the PLC programme must transmit the first and last array index to be displayed. In order for the project to work without a PLC, all data is displayed in WebIQ and can be edited. In a real project you would only display the table, but not the data for editing. Change the "Horizontal Alignment" (Left,Center,Richt,Strech ) of box-output for a different table alignment.

  1. Click buttons "Init Struct" and "Init Strings"
  2. Click buttons "Table Right", "Table Left" and "Table Big" for both sections: struct and strings to display table
  3. Change data to see change in table
  4. Click buttons "Table ..." to display changed data
  5. Change item "iRowLast" to update the table (to simulate a new value sent by PLC)

Screen shoot WebIQ table demo project

Use table functionality in your project

Right now, you have to create the following files in your project and copy the content via Copy & Paste from the demo project. For easy usage a WebIQ package, will be shipped until Q2 2023. This package will include dialog boxes (info,warning,error) table creating,...

Code Manager> Stylesheets> cssTableCss for table design.
Adapt the table design to your requirements. (color, font, padding, ...)Code Manager> Local-Scripts> tableGeneratorsContains functions to create tables.
See function headers for documentationCode Manager> Local-Scripts> autoUpdateTableAutom. updates table when item iRowLast changes.
Adapt the item, to the items you are using in your project. Adapt digits for floats.
Insert this local script to the screen where you display the table.

All other files in the Code Manager, are only used for running the demo.

Requested features next version

  • Format functions (e.g. format numbers as date, time or leading "0" e.g. "003", Text lists)
  • Table header which is always visible (even when table spreads over multiple pages)
  • Table with controls to edit items
  • Create WebIQ table widget

Latest published/updated articles

  • Use 1 ctrlX SAFETY for several ctrlX DRIVE in 3 safe areas using individual SAFETY link addresses

    Mind that you find the sample safe logic code and sample drive parameter files at the end of the blog entry! 1. General information In the following we show to you how to control the SMO function of several ctrlX DRIVE in 3 safe areas each with a safe door via 1 ctrlX SAFETY using individual SAFETY link addresses. Fig. 1.: Overview Versions used All the functions and screen shots are based on: ctrlX SAFETY Engineering version >= SAFEX Runtime / Firmwareversion >= ctrlX DRIVE Engineering version 01V32 Runtime / Firmware version of drive AXS-V-0604 Prerequisites A connection to the ctrlX SAFETY control and ctrlX DRIVE has been successfully established, the devices are correctly wired and 24 V are successfully put on. As well the engineering tools ctrlX SAFETY and ctrlX DRIVE Engineering have been started. 2. Function of the established SAFEX logic program The principle function of the SAFEX logic program is the following: EMERGENCY STOP (SMES) If at least one of the three EMERGENCY STOP buttons at ctrlX SAFETY is pressed, the corresponding safety function at all the drives is activated immediately, which leads to a deceleration of still moving axes. After coming to standstill and acknowledging the EMERGENCY STOP function the drives are shut off and thus torque/force free. Note, that the “Drive Enable” signal from the control has to be removed before the time entered for the reaction time of the EMERGENCY STOP function is exceeded, thus directly after the standstill is accomplished. Otherwise an error is shown. If the EMERGENCY STOP button is released again the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed twice that the EMERGENCY STOP and thus the function is released again as well. Then the drives can be activated (drive enable be set) again. Mind that after first time switching on of the devices twice times the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed to initially make the execution of the safe PLC program work. Mind that the EMERGENCY STOP is always prior to all other safety functions and, if activated, superseding the in before active safety function. Mode Select - Change to Safety Operation Mode (activating the safe operational stop (SMST2)) If the “Mode Select” of one safe area at ctrlX SAFETY is switched, the corresponding safety function at the drives in this safe area is activated immediately, which leads to a deceleration of a still moving axes. After getting to standstill the drives are in operational stop with torque/force on. The door in the safe area is released to be opened at that time. Mode select of several safe areas may be switched. If the Mode Select switch is released again the Reset button needs to be shortly pressed once in order that the safe function SMST2 is released again. Enabling Control (activating safe motion with limited speed)(SMM1) If the “Enabling Control” button of a safe area is pressed additionally to the “Mode Select” switch of the corresponding safe area, the corresponding safety function SMM1 at the drives in this safe area is activated immediately, which allows the control to set a command with reduced speed. If the “Enabling Control” button is released again the safe operational stop (SMST2) is getting active once again. Mind that this function is prohibited if several Mode Select switches of more than one safe area are switched. ctrlX SAFETY link The connection to the drive is accomplished via the so-called ctrlX SAFETY link connection, a ring connection from the ctrlX SAFETY control SAFEX to all ctrlX DRIVE and back. Fig. 2.: SAFETY link schematics Wiring of safety elements The following wiring is used to connect the different safety elements to SAFEX-C1.x: Fig. 3.: Wiring 3. Wiring schematics The SAFEX control´s input devices are: 3 double channel EMERGENCY STOP buttons fed by pulsed 24V 3 double channel Mode Select switches fed by pulsed 24V 3 single channel reset button fed by non-pulsed 24V 3 Reset buttons 1 Double channel “Door closed” contact from the SIEMENS safety door (in total 1 double input) 1 Single channel “Door closed” contact from each of the 2 Pilz safety doors (in total 2 single inputs) 1 Double channel “Door locked” contact from each of the 3 safety doors (in total 3 double inputs) All double channel buttons are fed by pulsed 24V. The output devices are: One OSSD fed output connected to open the 1 SIEMENS safety door device Two OSSD fed outputs connected to close the 2 Pilz safety door devices 3 single OSSD fed outputs to indicate that safe area is in safe condition (if in SMES, SMST2 or SMM1 doesn´t matter) Fig. 4.: Wiring schematics 4. Settings inside SAFEX control The settings of the SAFEX control and the devices connected to the ctrlX SAFETY control should be according to the following. Fig. 5.: Settings of SAFEX control Mind that depending on the amount of so called FC Code commands and the logic in the functional scheme and FastChannel the "Cycle Time", set here to 4 ms, might be restricted. Then try with higher "Cycle Time" like 8, 12 or 16 ms and take that into account for the reaction time. Fig. 6.: Check of FC Code command Fig. 7.: Settings of “Emergency Stop 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX control Fig. 8.: Settings of different “ModeSelect” 1 to 3 switches connected to SAFEX control Fig. 9.: Settings of “Enabling Control 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX control Fig. 10.: Settings of “Reset 1…3” buttons connected to SAFEX control Fig. 11.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 1 closed” contacts connected to SAFEX control Fig. 12.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 2 closed” and “Door Safe Area 3 closed” contacts connected to SAFEX control Fig. 13.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 1 Locked” contacts connected to SAFEX control Fig. 14.: Settings of “Door Safe Area 2 Locked” and “Door Safe Area 3 Locked” contacts connected to SAFEX control (Pilz device uses OSSD outputs by itself therefor here “Cross Circuit Check” is off) Fig. 15.: Settings of “Open Door 1” output of SAFEX control Fig. 16.: Settings of “Close Door 2” and “Close Door 3” outputs of SAFEX control Fig. 17.: Settings of “Area 1 Safe Ack” to “Area 3 Safe Ack” outputs of SAFEX control 5. Safe logic inside SAFEX control The safe logic inside the SAFEX control is created according to the following schematics. Fig. 18.: Safe logic inside SAFEX control Fig. 19.: Settings of Restart block Fig. 20.: Settings of Timers 1 - 3 (in here as delay time 0,240 s is chosen, in your application this time may differ) Fig. 21.: FastChannel Scheme inside SAFEX control Fig. 22.: SAFETY link Master settings inside SAFEX control (Version 1.1 is needed and Cycle Time must be set to 2ms) Fig. 23.: SAFETY link Slave settings inside SAFEX control (Mind that you need to set the Safety Address of the “SAFETYlink Slave” in accordance to the settings in the ctrlX DRIVE) Fig. 24.: “Logic 1” blocks (these are used to easily extend or diminish the inputs at the “AND Block”s if adding or deleting “SAFETYlink Slave” elements for the different safe areas according to the needs of your machine) 6. Settings of ctrlX DRIVE The settings inside ctrlX DRIVE are done according to the following: Fig. 25.: Settings of ctrlX SAFETY link – Configuration Fig. 26.: Settings of ctrlX SAFETY link – Outputs (SAFETY link address and status signals, see as well Fig. 23) Fig. 27.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 1 (in here in drives with address 1 and 11) Fig. 28.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 2 (in here in drives with address 2 and 12) Fig. 29.: Settings of ctrlX DRIVE: I/O mapper input settings in drives of safe area 3 (in here in drives with address 3 and 13)
  • How-to access ctrlX CORE if IP-Address is unknown/misconfigured

    No connection to your ctrlX CORE anymore? You don't know the IP address of your ctrlX CORE? Or you (accidentally) misconfigured your IP settings? You can always connect to the ctrlX CORE via the unique IPv6 Link-local address. But how to figure it out, and how to use it? Check the Typ Plate of your ctrlX CORE for the Mac address of the XF10 interface To calculate the IPv6 Link-local address from this you can either do it "by hand", there is a nice guide from Lenovo Or you use one of various online calculators, like this MAC to IPv6 Converter Use this address but it in square brackets[] and add https:// in front, like: https://[fe80::260:34ff:fe8b:7f7a] This works only for the interface specified on the type plate. Make sure IPv6 is activated for your network card.
  • Template for Consumer Goods - Form, Fill and Seal

    The Form Fill & Seal Machine (FSS) Application Template for ctrlX AUTOMATION starts with a basic template for vertical FSS (VFFS). It includes a PLC, based on PackML state machine, and a HMI project as well as configuration data, 3D-viewer model and WebIQ project. It is created for the usage in form, fill and seal machines. It will be provided in two different formats: Ready-made virtual control (easy to use also for non-technical people 😊) Several project files PLC archive (including all necessary libraries) HMI Core app-data Available Versions Versions - PreRelease It is based on the ctrlX CORE release version 2.6.2 (RM24.03.2). Features and Prerequisits see below Features Support of a basic VFFS Machine (1x Master Axis, 2x Belt Axis, 1x Vertical Axis, 1x Jaw-Axis) PLC Project based on PackML machine states and PackTags MotionInterface used for axis command/status. Web-IQ Application with basic screens for Machine Mode Handling. Prepared Job Handling (Format Change, ...) - only prepared HMI screens yet! More is coming soon. Diagnostics (error log, ....) 3D Viewer visualizing the complete FSS machine movements. Machine Modes Production – to start/stop machine, run with changeable machine command speed. Manual – to jog machine (jog all axis synchronized). Maintenance – jog single axis. Prerequisites For using ready-made virtual control HOST PC ctrlX WORKS 2.6.3 For using ctrlX CORE Hardware HOST PC ctrlX WORKS 2.6.3 crlX PLC Engineering 2.6.4 ctrlX IO Engineering V2.6.3 ctrlX DRIVE Engineering V1.28.3 ctrlX CAM Designer V2.6.3 (optional) Smart HMI - WebIQ Designer 2.15.7 (optional) License see below at WebIQ Server Runtime App ctrlX CORE Ethercat App (2.6.3) with license ctrlX OS License - EtherCAT Master Basic R911400508 - SWL-XC*-ECM-ETHERCATMAS**-BANN Motion App (2.6.4) with license ctrlX OS License - Motion Standard 10 Axes R911414460 - SWL-XC*-MOT-STDMOTION**10-NNNN ctrlX OS License - Motion Electronical Gear(add-on) R911417992 - SWL-XC*-MOT-ELECGEAR*****-NNNN ctrlX OS License - Motion CAM (add-on) R911417993 - SWL-XC*-MOT-CAM*********-NNNN ctrlX OS License - Motion Flexprofile (add-on) R911417994 - SWL-XC*-MOT-FLEXPROFILE**-NNNN PLC App (2.6.3) with license ctrlX CORE License - PLC Basic (02VRS - single core, single task and 256 byte IO data) R911421866 - SWL-XC*-PLC-PLC*XOS******-BANN ctrlX CORE License - PLC Standard (02VRS - single core, multiple tasks and 1 kByte IO data) R911421867 - SWL-XC*-PLC-PLC*XOS******-NNNN OPC UA Server App (2.6.2) with license ctrlX OS License - OPC UA Server Standard R911397816 - SWL-XC*-UAS-OPCUASERVER**-NNNN 3D Viewer App (2.6.0) with license ctrlX OS License - 3D Viewer R911413191 - SWL-XC*-3DV-3DVIEWER*****-NNNN WebIQ Server Runtime App (2.15.7) with license ctrlX CORE License - Smart HMI - WebIQ Server 500 Tags (~ 490 Tags used, will be optimized) R911410793 - SWL-W-XC*-WIQ**RUD*500***-NNNN Unpacking For installation / usage information please take a look into the . VFFS template download VFFS Application Template Register here for pre-release download Notes These templates are made for the system version 2.6.2 (RM24.03.2) and the corresponding apps. Beware of moving mechanics when using automated motion commanding. The 3D Viewer is in standard always showing the demo model, please check the documentation for how to set the corresponding path to another one. Related links Setting up a ctrlX COREvirtual ctrlX Store ctrlX AUTOMATION - Motion ctrlX AUTOMATION - OPC UA Server ctrlX AUTOMATION - PLC Smart HMI - WebIQ Server ctrlX AUTOMATION - 3D Viewer ctrlX AUTOMATION - EtherCAT Master ctrlX WORKS Smart HMI - WebIQ Designer ctrlX AUTOMATION online documentation Collection of how to videos, blogs and examples for ctrlX AUTOMATION FAQ Licensing with ctrlX AUTOMATION Microsite Solutions Consumer Goods Solution Sets for Consumer Goods - Form, Fill and Seal
  • Collection of how to videos, blogs and examples for ctrlX AUTOMATION

    Overview This is a collection list of the different how to videos, blogs and examples available in the ctrlX AUTOMATION community. If you see a need for a special topic that is not available yet please add a comment below. Basics Let's get started video series [playlist] #1.1 How to install ctrlX WORKS & Apps [VIDEO] #1.2 First contact ctrlX WORKS [VIDEO] #2 crtlX CORE X3 unboxing and first connect [VIDEO] #3 Standard system functions [VIDEO] #4 Get, install and license Apps [VIDEO] #5 ctrlX I/O-Engineering [VIDEO] #6 First contact ctrlX Data Layer [VIDEO] #7 PLC Application – Useful hints for beginners [VIDEO] #8 Round up and further information and links [VIDEO] Getting started with ctrlX AUTOMATION [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Quick start guide for ctrlX CORE [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Registering and finding help [VIDEO] How-to access ctrlX CORE if IP-Address is unknown/misconfigured [DOCU] Release cycle of apps and engineering software [DOCU] Install ctrlX WORKS [VIDEO] Set up a ctrlX COREvirtual [DOCU] - [VIDEO1], [VIDEO2] Installing Apps [VIDEO] ctrlX Data Layer [VIDEO] Using the REST API of ctrlX CORE [DOCU] - [VIDEO] How to subscribe to nodes of the ctrlX Data Layer using REST commands via CURL [DOCU] How to set up Data Layer watchlists and integrate them into ctrlX PLC [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Set up a ctrlX CORE Motion & PLC Programming [DOCU] - [VIDEO1], [VIDEO2] Update and setup ctrlX CORE with a microSD-card [DOCU] Reset and commissioning a ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Partition a disk as GPT & Restore ctrlX CORE X7 [DOCU] How to make an HTTPS connection with ctrlX OS Web Server [DOCU] How to generate a system report and switch on additional traces [DOCU] Licensing Quick Start Guide Licensing Center [DOCU] Get an App License [DOCU] Activate an App License [DOCU] Upload a license via REST-client to your ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Trial Licenses - Try Out Our Apps [DOCU] Service Tickets Licensing with ctrlX AUTOMATION [DOCU] ctrlX Configurator Login to ctrlX Configurator [DOCU] Use ctrlX Configurator [VIDEO] Motor dimensioning with operating points [DOCU] EPLAN Generator first steps and operation [DOCU] Using keyboard shortcuts and URL syntax [DOCU] Copy projects [DOCU] How to use interface to Rexroth Store [DOCU] How to configure connections [DOCU] How to change user settings [DOCU] Quick Start Guide for ctrlX I/O [DOCU] How to configure ctrlX I/O [DOCU] Hint on using iOS and macOS devices [DOCU] New product configuration status [DOCU] Display of prices [DOCU] Solution sets: For Cartesian handling applications [DOCU] For Additive Manufacturing [DOCU] For Beam Cutting applications [DOCU] For Milling Manufacturing [DOCU] For Controls Only applications [DOCU] For Assembly applications [DOCU] For Building Automation applications [DOCU] For Dispensing applications [DOCU] For IoT [DOCU] For E-Commerce - Packaging-on-demand Machines [DOCU] Fieldbus/IO Use digital IOs at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] SICK Function Block Factory for Data Parsing [DOCU] ModbusTCP: Setup tcp communication step by step and use the data in the PLC [DOCU] Various methods to use ModbusRTU (RS485) with ctrlX CORE [DOCU] CODESYS fieldbus add-on installation guide for ctrlX AUTOMATION [DOCU] EtherCat: 3rd party EtherCAT slave interoperability list [DOCU] Import EtherCAT IO realtime data offline into ctrlX PLC Engineering [DOCU] Configure adjustable S20 IO periphery at a S20-EC-BK using PDI-Write [DOCU] Port Forwarding with a Sick safety PLC via Ethercat EOE [DOCU] Set up WAGO I/O System 750 and connect it to ctrlX CORE using EtherCAT [DOCU] Set up WAGO I/O System Field and connect it to ctrlX CORE using EtherCAT [DOCU] Set up and connect Turck TBEC RFID and IOL modules with ctrlX CORE using EtherCAT [DOCU] ctrlX CORE with S20 IO-Link Master [DOCU] Setup ifm IO-Link Master and IO-Link Sensor and connect it to ctrlX CORE using EtherCAT [DOCU] Interfacing ctrlX CORE with IO-Link master via EtherCAT [VIDEO] Use AoE with IO-LINK devices to Read Write Parameters [DOCU] Interfacing ctrlX CORE with ctrlX I/O via EtherCAT [VIDEO] Set up a Balluff BNI IO-Link Master with ctrlX CORE using EtherCAT [DOCU] Set up a Balluff BIS RFID Controller with ctrlX CORE using EtherCAT [DOCU] Set up a Balluff BTL Linear Position Sensor with ctrlX CORE using EtherCAT [DOCU] Smart Function Kit using a ctrlX CORE connected through EtherCAT [DOCU] Get Ethercat diagnosis from ctrlX CORE into PLC [DOCU] How to connect ctrlX CORE to Synapticon Drives [DOCU] Setup a SMC JXCE Controller with EtherCAT [DOCU] Setup a SMC EX260 valve manifold controller [DOCU] Connecting maxon MiniMACS to ctrlX CORE [DOCU] ctrlX IO Oversampling (OVS) Digital Output Module generating high resolution PLS [VIDEO] PROFINET: ctrlX COREplus X3 with IndraControl XM21 (ctrlX Profinet device app) [DOCU] ctrlX COREplus X3 with IndraControl XM21 (CODESYS Fieldbus libraries) [DOCU] Connect Kassow Robots RC with ctrlX PLC via Profinet [DOCU] CAN: Reading CAN bus data into ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Controlling a CANopen motor using ctrlX CORE X3 and ZK-USB-CAN-1 from Nanotec [DOCU] Lithionics Battery® CAN bus Message Processing with Node-RED [VIDEO] - [DOCU] PLC PLC Application – Useful hints for beginners [VIDEO] Publish variables to the Data Layer [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Set up a ctrlX CORE & PLC Programming [DOCU] - [VIDEO1], [VIDEO2] Use ctrlX PLC Engineering API with Python [DOCU] Import EtherCAT IO realtime data offline into ctrlX PLC Engineering [DOCU] Get Ethercat diagnosis from ctrlX CORE into PLC [DOCU] Templates: Template for cartesian handling systems V1.0 (for system version 1.12) [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Template for cartesian handling systems V1.20.1 [DOCU] Template for cartesian handling systems v2.6.3 [DOCU] ctrlX HMI - Basic Template [DOCU] Template for Consumer Goods - Form, Fill and Seal (flowwrapper) [DOCU] Template for MTX Beam Cutting [DOCU] Template for MTX Additive Manufacturing [DOCU] Read PROFINET Device App values from ctrlX PLC Engineering [DOCU] SICK Function Block Factory for Data Parsing [DOCU] Smart Function Kit using a ctrlX CORE connected through EtherCAT [DOCU] Ethercat SoE: Read and write ctrlX DRIVE and/or Indradrive parameters via PLC [DOCU] Ethercat: Use AoE with IO-LINK devices to Read Write Parameters [DOCU] CODESYS Softmotion: How to configure ctrlX CORE and Drives [DOCU] SCARA robot kinematics [VIDEO] User robot kinematics [VIDEO] Camming [VIDEO] CODESYS Fieldbus Communication: CODESYS fieldbus add-on installation guide for ctrlX AUTOMATION [DOCU] Ethernet/IP [VIDEO] PROFINET - Connect ctrlX CORE X3 with ctrlX COREplus X3 [DOCU] PROFINET - Connect ctrlX CORE X3 with IndraDrive [DOCU] PROFINET - ctrlX CORE X3 with ctrlX COREplus X3 [DOCU] Connect Kassow Robots RC with ctrlX PLC via Profinet [DOCU] Creating an HTML5 Control for ctrlX PLC Engineering and CODESYS WebVisu [DOCU] How to use G-Code UI of ctrlX [DOCU] Datalayer NRT: read and write basic data using the PLC functions [DOCU] How to set up Data Layer watchlists and integrate them into ctrlX PLC [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Comfortable data exchange of PLC and FlatBuffer variables using watchlist in Data Layer NRT [DOCU] Get ctrlX SAFETY FSoE Diagnosis on ctrlX CORE [DOCU] How to set up Python scripts with PLC programming [DOCU] Motion ctrlX MOTION: Set up a ctrlX CORE & PLC Programming [DOCU] - [VIDEO1], [VIDEO2] Graphical and Textual Python Programming using IDE App [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Connecting maxon MiniMACS to ctrlX CORE [DOCU] 3rd party EtherCAT slave interoperability list [DOCU] CODESYS Softmotion: How to configure ctrlX CORE and Drives [DOCU] SCARA robot kinematics [VIDEO] User robot kinematics [VIDEO] Camming [VIDEO] Safety Implement Machine Safety in a cartesian handling [VIDEO] Create safety PLC project with ctrlX SAFETY Engineering [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control STO function of ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control SafeMotion (SMO) function of ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control SMO and STO axes function of ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control STO/SMO ctrlX DRIVEs in conjunction with door [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control safe motion (SMO) function of IndraDrive [DOCU] How To update ctrlX SAFETY firmware [DOCU] Use several ctrlX DRIVE in 3 safe areas at 1 SAFEX-C1.x control [DOCU] Get ctrlX SAFETY Diagnosis at ctrlX CORE (over EtherCAT) [DOCU] Get ctrlX SAFETY Diagnosis at XMxx controls (over PROFINET) [DOCU] ctrlX SAFETY Engineering remote access to SAFEX-C.15 via Profinet [DOCU] Port Forwarding with a Sick satey PLC via Ethercat EOE [DOCU] ctrlX Safety Engineering remote access to SAFEX-C1x via EoE [DOCU] ctrlX DRIVE SafeMotion PROFIsafe on PROFINET Shared Devices, with Siemens PLC´s [DOCU] ctrlX SAFETY create User Groups [DOCU] ctrlX SAFETY with Fortress amGard proNet FSoE [DOCU] How to parameterize SafeMotion (SMO) position package [DOCU] How to parameterize SafeMotion (SMO) speed package [DOCU] HMI WebIQ (official documentation and videos): Create your first HMI project [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Connecting to an OPC UA server [VIDEO] Browsing of variables, arrays & structures in OPC UA [DOCU] How to add multiple languages [DOCU] User Management [DOCU] Alarm Management [DOCU] Communicate with ctrlX CORE Rest API [DOCU] Custom Library Packages [DOCU] Create package with UI-Actions and Local Scripts [DOCU] Render a 3D model [DOCU] Load assets into WebIQ using REST API [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Templates: Template for cartesian handling systems V1.0 (for system version 1.12) [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Template for cartesian handling systems V1.20.1 [DOCU] Template for cartesian handling systems v2.6.3 [DOCU] ctrlX HMI - Basic Template [DOCU] Template for Consumer Goods - Form, Fill and Seal (flowwrapper) [DOCU] Use Designer AddOn (Cross References, Checks) [DOCU] Serving data to WebIQ via HTTP [VIDEO] Create PDF document with pdfmake [DOCU] HowTo display content in a table [DOCU] ctrlX CORE as Smart HMI [Part1] - [Part2] How To display PLC data as oscilloscope or chart [DOCU] Embed IoT Dashboard in WebIQ [DOCU] WinStudio: Template for MTX Beam Cutting [DOCU] Template for MTX Additive Manufacturing [DOCU] - Under investigation - Creating project, licensing, PLC symbol file config, BRWS+OPCUA driver sheet setup, using tags [VIDEO] - Under investigation - Creating and configuring screens, screen objects and attributes, data entry methods [VIDEO] - Under investigation - User symbols, working with multiple screens, scripting, running the application, troubleshooting [VIDEO] KEBA KeTop: Mobile HMI panels wired or wireless OPC UA [DOCU] Mobile HMI panels wired or wireless ModbusTCP [DOCU] IIoT: Use ctrlX CORE as a monitoring platform using InfluxDB and Grafana [DOCU] Creating an HTML5 Control for ctrlX PLC Engineering and CODESYS WebVisu [DOCU] Create HMI with Weidmüller GTI - PROCON-WEB Embedded System [VIDEO] How to create a kiosk type plug-and-play Qt based HMI application on ctrlX CORE X7 [DOCU] IoT IIoT: Collect Data from ctrlX Drive and IndraDrive independently from Master Communication [DOCU] IoT Dashboard App: Configuration Guide, Thresholds, Alerts and Notifications [DOCU] Getting started with InfluxDB on ctrlX CORE [DOCU] IIoT: Use ctrlX CORE as a monitoring platform using InfluxDB and Grafana [DOCU] Embed IoT Dashboard in WebIQ [DOCU] IIoT - Push oversampled arrays to InfluxDB [DOCU] Send multi-dimensional array to InfluxDB and Nexeed via Node-RED [DOCU] Store and visualize PLC values using Telegraf and InfluxDB app [DOCU] Use Telegraf app to sample Realtime Data automatically [DOCU] Transferring and Representing CSV Files from IndraControl to ctrlX CORE using FTP and InfluxDB [DOCU] Fast time series data from ctrlX PLC to local InfluxDB [DOCU] Use Arduino Nicla Sense ME together with ctrlX AUTOMATION for data harvesting [DOCU] Bosch DeviceBridge app: Bridging IT with OT [VIDEO] AI and Data Analysis: the Jupyter Notebook App [DOCU] Virtual Commissioning of Distributed Systems in the IIoT [DOCU] Mongo DB in ctrlX OS [DOCU] IXON Easy onboard a device [DOCU] Setup a full machine remote access [DOCU] PostgreSQL on ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Send multi-dimensional array to InfluxDB and Nexeed IAS via Node-RED [DOCU] Monitoring - General Purpose & Realtime [DOCU] SDK (Software Development Kit), user/custom apps Setup development environment using: --recommended-- ctrlX WORKS App Build Environment [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Ubuntu in VirtualBox Virtual Machine or native installation [DOCU] Trainings: Learn the Basics [ctrlX CORE I] - [VIDEO] Basics of app programming [trlX AUTOMATION SDK I] Program complex non-real-time apps [ctrlX AUTOMATION SDK II] - [VIDEO] Customer App Support (Services) [STORE] Using the libusb library to access an USB devices [DOCU] Empower your app with Data Persistence [DOCU] How to create noVNC snap [DOCU] Create and delete files and folders in Active configuration [DOCU] Debug C++ Apps with SDK for ctrlX AUTOMATION [DOCU] Service2Service Authentication [DOCU] Provide API in the Data Layer for your app [DOCU] Run Python examples directly inside the IDE app plus SDK explanation [DOCU] ROS2 on ctrlX AUTOMATION [DOCU] - [STORE] ROS2 demo example - MoveIt2! in ctrlX OS [DOCU] Kassow Robots - Command from ROS2 [DOCU] Shared memory communication between ROS2, Datalayer and PLC [DOCU] Easy Automation Library for ctrlX DRIVE - LabVIEW™ toolbox [STORE] How to run the Rexroth ROKIT Locator on ctrlX CORE X7 [DOCU] How to activate SSH communication in a ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Licensing Demo using REST API [DOCU] Python webserver custom User Interface for Motion App [DOCU] ctrlX DRIVE Establish Ethernet connection via [ctrlX CORE (SIP) and EoE] [Panel] [EtherCAT control] - [DOCU] Online review using USB-C connection and ctrlX WORKS software [VIDEO] 1st setup and execute initial movements [DOCU] - [VIDEO1] Set absolute positions for incremental encoders of ctrlX DRIVE [VIDEO2] Autotuning [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Check positioning movements [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Frequency response analysis of regulation loops [DOCU] Update runtime/firmware [DOCU] Commissioning of 3rd party motors [DOCU] Suitably Power ON/OFF [DOCU] Use panel at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Commission spindle positioning function [DOCU] Check bleeder resistance capabilities [DOCU] Commission analog interface [DOCU] Use analog interface at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Commission drive controlled oscillation function [DOCU] Use digital IOs at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Configure a DC/DC converter XMV02 [DOCU] Use cogging compensation at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use axis error correction [DOCU] Use temperature error correction [DOCU] IIoT: Collect Data from ctrlX Drive and IndraDrive independently from Master Communication [DOCU] Use Eco mode brake control with voltage reduction at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use ctrlX DRIVE under a Schneider control [DOCU] Use hybrid position control at ctrlX Drive [DOCU] Use Anti-vibration filter [DOCU] Ethercat Soe: read and write ctrlX DRIVE and Indradrive S and P parameters [DOCU] ctrlX DRIVE with Siemens TIA-Portal™ CPU SIMATIC S7-1200 or S7-1500 [DOCU] Use error reaction return motion at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use motor phase short circuit at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use automatic weight counterbalance at ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Easy Automation Library (EAL) for ctrlX DRIVE - LabVIEW™ toolbox [STORE] Acyclic PROFINET communication with Siemens PLC [DOCU] Measuring wheel function [DOCU] Safety: Use several ctrlX DRIVE in 3 safe areas at 1 SAFEX-C1.x control [DOCU] Commission SafeMotion (SMO) with ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control STO function of ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control SafeMotion (SMO) function of ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control SMO and STO axes function of ctrlX DRIVE [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control STO/SMO ctrlX DRIVEs in conjunction with door [DOCU] Commission FSoE ctrlX DRIVE under EtherCAT control (Beckhoff) [DOCU] ctrlX DRIVE SafeMotion PROFIsafe on PROFINET Shared Devices, with Siemens PLC´s [DOCU] How to parameterize SafeMotion (SMO) position package [DOCU] How to parameterize SafeMotion (SMO) speed package [DOCU] IndraDrive Process Controller in IndraDrive [DOCU] Setup IndraDrive SafeMotion for Safe Torque Off with Safe Stop 1 [DOCU] Ethercat SoE: Read and write ctrlX DRIVE and/or Indradrive parameters via PLC [DOCU] PROFINET - Connect ctrlX CORE X3 with IndraDrive [DOCU] Use ctrlX SAFETY to control safe motion (SMO) function of IndraDrive [DOCU] IIoT: Collect Data from ctrlX Drive and IndraDrive independently from Master Communication [DOCU] Ethercat Soe: read and write ctrlX DRIVE and Indradrive S and P parameters [DOCU] ctrlX World Become a Partner [DOCU] How-to collaborate [DOCU] Storage Guide [DOCU] Business Process [DOCU] How-to become a ctrlX World Partner or ctrlX OS OEM [DOCU] Miscellaneous Connect ctrlX COREvirtual to the Internet [DOCU] Connect real ctrlX CORE via proxy to the Internet [DOCU] Communicate between a ctrlX COREvirtual and other applications [DOCU] Connect Notebook and Internet to a ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Enable Access ctrlX AUTOMATION using Network Address Translation (NAT) [DOCU] Use ctrlX CORE as a “router” using the Firewall App [DOCU] Machine remote access using VPN and Firewall apps on ctrlX CORE [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Machine Remote Access: use MB Connect Line service with ctrlX CORE and VPN Client app [DOCU] Seamless Remote Access: Setting Up a VPN with CloudConnexa [DOCU] Remote Access & Management Portfolio [DOCU] Create and change a GIT repository on GitHub [DOCU] OPC UA: Connect UA.TestClient to ctrlX OPC UA Server [DOCU] - [VIDEO] Connect OPC UA client to MLC and Siemens S7 OPC UA server [DOCU] OPCUA Pubsub between ctrlX and Siemens S7 [DOCU] Integrate ctrlX CORE with Paessler PRTG for Comprehensive Monitoring [DOCU] MQTT: Set up Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT Broker and connect a client [DOCU] Bosch Cameras via MQTT on ctrlX CORE [DOCU] ctrlX CORE as MQTT Broker [VIDEO] Node-RED: ctrlX CORE - Node-RED App [VIDEO] ctrlX CORE with PLC and Node-RED [VIDEO] Node-RED Communication Methods [VIDEO] Remote Access for ctrlX CORE via Internet using Node-RED [DOCU] How to use G-Code UI of ctrlX [DOCU] Export JSON to CSV format using Node-RED in ctrlX OS [DOCU] How to read a node and all the subnodes in Node-RED [DOCU] Bundle npm Packages for Offline Node-RED Installation [DOCU] Cybersecurity: Use ctrlX CORE as a powerful net-filter for any controller [DOCU] Device selective connectivity using DNAT and MASQUERADE [DOCU] Use OPC UA client and server with scope restriction [DOCU] Connect ctrlX AUTOMATION to machineering iPhysics simulation [DOCU] Generate API client libraries from Engineering API [DOCU] Automated Test Strategies for ctrlX PLC Applications [DOCU] Unix Domain Sockets in .NET 6 - Basics and Usage with ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Commissioning of the Rhebo OT Monitoring Sensor App [DOCU] Connect ctrlX CORE with Raspberry Pi [DOCU] Configure IEC 60870-5 Protocol in a ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Connect ctrlX CORE to a VNC Server using noVNC [DOCU] Deploy Docker Image to Container Engine App [DOCU] - [VIDEO] How to make REST call of Data Layer through LabVIEW [DOCU] How to read Data Layer Nodes through Visual Studio [DOCU] Communication Portfolio in ctrlX AUTOMATION [DOCU] Control to Control Communication (C2C) - Overview [DOCU] Data exchange between controls C2C – ctrlX Data Layer Remote Connection [DOCU] Vision: Integrate ctrlX AUTOMATION with a SICK InspectorP camera and MongoDB [DOCU] Connect ctrlX CORE with ELMO Drive [DOCU] View content from multiple web servers in one web page (reverse proxy) [DOCU] Restrict access to ctrlX Data Layer nodes for a specific user [DOCU] Modelling, Deploying, and Running Simulink® Models on ctrlX OS with model connect app [DOCU] How to run Machine-Learning Models on ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Integration of Hirschmann Bobcat Rail Switch (BRS) with ctrlX CORE [DOCU] How to use G-Code UI of ctrlX [DOCU] How to activate SSH communication in a ctrlX CORE [DOCU] Systematic Reboot with REST API and Node-RED example [DOCU] Configure Remote Logging secured via TLS in ctrlX OS 1.20 [DOCU] Nexeed Control Plus Studio HMI and Digital Machine with a real ctrlX CORE X3 [DOCU] How to integrate Arkite with ctrlX CORE through OPC UA [DOCU] ctrlX OS Diagnostic System: Use your own diagnostic messages [DOCU] Custom data structures in Key Value Database (KVD) app [DOCU] Kassow Robots - Streamcast the Teach Pendant on a desktop device [DOCU] Trainings Trainingsfinder Learning platform and Sales Campus Web-based trainings ctrlX CORE I ctrlX CORE II ctrlX AUTOMATION SDK I ctrlX AUTOMATION SDK II Online trainings Face-to-Face trainings ctrlX CORE Demo Kit series Bosch Rexroth US - ctrlX CORE Introduction Demo Kit [playlist] Episode #1 – Unboxing Episode #2 – Registering and Finding Help Episode #3 – Install ctrlX WORKS Episode #4 – Virtual Control Episode #5 – Installing Apps Episode #6 – Motion App Episode #7 – PLC App Episode #8 – Data Layer Episode #9 – Node Red Episode #10 – OPC UA Episode #11 – VPN Client Influencer videos Rajvir Singh - ctrlX CORE from Bosch rexroth [playlist] ctrlX CORE with PLC and Node-RED ctrlX CORE as MQTT Broker Interfacing ctrlX CORE with ctrlX I/O via EtherCAT ctrlX CORE with IDE app Bosch DeviceBridge app: Bridging IT with OT Interfacing ctrlX CORE with IO-Link master via EtherCAT ctrlX CORE as Smart HMI [Part1] - [Part2] ctrlX developR Series Season 1 [Overview] Episode #1 This is ctrlX AUTOMATION Episode #2 GETTING STARTED Episode #3 ctrlX Data Layer Episode #4 ctrlX Device Portal Episode #5 SDK Episode #6 ctrlX World - Partner Apps Episode #7 Securtity Episode #8 REST-Interface & Automated Configuration Episode #9 ctrlX AUTOMATION Community Episode #10 PYTHON Programming Episode #11 Graphical Programming ctrlX developR Series Season 2 Episode #1 Configure Components -> How to #1 Configure Components Episode #2 Set up a ctrlX CORE & PLC Programming -> How to #2 Set up a ctrlX CORE & PLC Programming Episode #3 Use Graphical Programming for Pick & Place -> How to #3 Use Graphical Programming for Pick & Place Episode #4 Implement Machine Safety -> How to #4 Implement Machine Safety Episode #5 Create a web-based HMI -> How to #5 Create a web-based HMI Episode #6 Handling Application Live Demo ctrlX developR Series Season 3 Episode #1: Security Episode #2 ctrlX OS Episode #3 Machine Learning Episode #4 IoT
  • Quick Start Guide ctrlX AUTOMATION + CODESYS SoftMotion

    Introduction to the basics of CODESYS SoftMotion for ctrlX AUTOMATION and Setup of SoftMotion on a ctrlX CORE Implementation of CNC Motion Control using CODESYS SoftMotion for ctrlX AUTOMATION Related Information Introduction to the basics of CODESYS SoftMotion for ctrlX AUTOMATION and Setup of SoftMotion on a ctrlX CORE [EN] ctrlX AUTOMATION Tutorial | CODESYS SoftMotion | Part#1 Setup Topics: Requirements Fieldbus Configuration with ctrlX IO Engineering PLC-Project with ctrlX PLC Engineering Implementation of CNC Motion Control using CODESYS SoftMotion for ctrlX AUTOMATION [EN] ctrlX AUTOMATION Tutorial | CODESYS SoftMotion | Part#2 Implement a CNC Topics: File handling of cnc programs Interplation and axis position control "Live Look" into the PLC project Related Information ctrlX STORE Forum CODESYS - PLC Add-ons CODESYS - SoftMotion Product Data Sheet CODESYS - SoftMotion Online Help